This is the Message Centre for Leo


Post 1


hey, i just dropped by ur personal space cuz i think ur names cool. haha

so anyways, hi!

smiley - rose


Post 2


Heya, sorry I didn't notice your post til just now. Usually I just skip down to the threads.
Just outta curiosity- whats the shadow of my smile, and why have you got it? (and why does the Mona Lisa somehow sound like it ought to connect?)
smiley - ok
PS: Nothing grand about my name- Leo is my astrological sign, Alpha- after the alpha wolf- the toothy guy in charge.


Post 3


lol that's alright... whoa i haven't been on h2g2 in like FOREVER! haha

oh yeah and ShadowOfYourSmile is a Henry Mancini ballad it's really cool u should listen to it sometime.

haha ttyl


Post 4


you really haven't. I thought you unsubscribed or something- tut tut. (finger wagging.)

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