This is the Message Centre for Paganmoon - Crazy as Ever

Morning Paganmoon

Post 1



Just had to send you a quick message.smiley - run

I've just read a brilliant booksmiley - smiley I thought might appeal to you!

Barbara Erskine, Hiding from the Lightsmiley - cool
Its all about witchcraft at the time of English civil warsmiley - erm
I've read a few of her books and they're all magicsmiley - ok

Hope you're okaysmiley - biggrin

Have a nice weekend
Mysticdreamersmiley - magic

Morning Paganmoon

Post 2

Paganmoon - Crazy as Ever

Hi there Mysticdreamer...
Hope you are well... Personally I'm having an "off" day, but it'll pass, nowt to worry about...
The book sounds wonderful hun, but I don't really read that many novels.. I don't seem to be able to consentrate long enough to digest it... I'll bear it in mind though...
I've no plans for the weekend, just being lazy and chilling out with a glass or six of smiley - stiffdrink vodka... lol...

Take care.. smiley - love

Morning Paganmoon

Post 3


Hi Paganmoonsmiley - smiley
Have been on holssmiley - cool, but back todaysmiley - wah
Hope you're feeling better nowsmiley - sadface
I know what you mean about reading, you have to be in the mood.smiley - smooch

Did you have a nice Eastersmiley - winkeye

Hope all wellsmiley - biggrin

Take caresmiley - cheerup

Mysticdreamersmiley - magic

Morning Paganmoon

Post 4

Paganmoon - Crazy as Ever

Good evening Mysticdreamer,

Easter went fine thanks.. Didn't go anywhere, wasn't really in the mood with one thing and another.. Maybe have the odd day out when the weather picks up..
Hope you had a good time on your hols.. I was going to ask if it was anywhere nice, but it's a silly question when you think about it, you're not really going to go if was anywhere sh**e now are you.... lol..
Hope all is well with you, I'm doing ok thanks..
Take care.. smiley - lovesmiley - hug

Morning Paganmoon

Post 5


Hiya, Me againsmiley - smiley
Actually.... didn't go anywhere hot or exoticsmiley - cool
Went to Wales to see my folks!
Mum not wellsmiley - sadface so abit stressful.
Ate too much, put on 5 pounds.smiley - wah
Now back at work and on a diet.smiley - erm
Do you do Tarots?
I'm interested in becoming more lucky in life.smiley - bubbly

Write soonsmiley - run

Mysticdreamersmiley - magic

Morning Paganmoon

Post 6

Paganmoon - Crazy as Ever

Evening again....

smiley - sorry to hear about your mam, hope she soon gets better..

I've given up on diets, just eat smaller portions.. Due to disability I can't exercise so I'm not really going to lose that much... Well that's my excuse and I'm sticking to it... lol.

Yes I do read Tarot, but I only do the odd reading these days.. It gets a bit too much for me..
I wish I could become more lucky... If I find out how I'll let you know.. lol..

Take care... smiley - hug

Morning Paganmoon

Post 7


Hi there Paganmoon.smiley - smiley

Thanks for your good wishes on my mum, she's just about housebound with arthritis and the doctors seem to have left her. Its hard being far away but my sis lives nearby.
I read on your site about you being interested in all things mysticalsmiley - magic. I always like watching Colin Fry on Living TV when I'm at home.smiley - biggrin and I used to have a book on Fame and Fortune that I used to dip into!
Sorry that you're disabled and not able to work now.smiley - sadface
Thats very hard. I do know abit about this as when my son was 7 he was struck down with juvenile arthritis and it had a big impact on the family.

Well take care friendsmiley - cheers
Mysticdreamer smiley - magic

Morning Paganmoon

Post 8

Paganmoon - Crazy as Ever

Hello again.. smiley - hug

I was just about to go offline the.. lol..
I have the same problem being housebound with my arthritis.. I also have spondylitis in my neck and shoulders, as well as being painfull it causes me to have dizzy spells... My hubby has to push me in my wheelchair when we're out and about... I get so frustrated at times.. smiley - wah

I've been interested in the occult for as far back as I can recall... Would never go into the dark arts though.. I've got books here on most occult subjects and divinatory matters.. I can't move for the bloody things... lol. smiley - laugh Think I need a good sort out.. I'll get round to it one day, then again, maybe not.. smiley - biggrin It would involve movement and thought together.... Ooooh, hard work that... smiley - rofl

Hope all is well with you... Take care...
smiley - love PAGANMOON

Morning Paganmoon

Post 9


Hi there Paganmoon,smiley - smiley

I'm so sorry to hear about your arthritis and spondylitissmiley - sadface,
I can imagine that you do get frustrated when you want to get doing things and feel you can't.
I'm sure your hubby is happy to take you out and about.smiley - smooch
Its not the same I know, but 3 years ago I had a nasty accidentsmiley - wah and was unable to walk, just came out of hospital and we had planned a holiday with the kids, so decided to go. Had to take a wheelchair for me and some crutches which I couldn't master at all.smiley - sadface
He was really good and pushed me everywhere, along the prom, in the park, to the clubhousesmiley - bubblysmiley - cheers. You know I'm not the lightest personsmiley - sadface on the last day he did his back in, I had to give him some of my painkillerssmiley - biggrin
I can see that you love books on the occult. I hate throwing things out too.smiley - winkeye
Funny actually, when I was recovering after my op in hospital, a woman in the bed opposite me said I had a big aura! I thought she was mad but it turned out she was a clairvoyant!smiley - magic
What a lovely weekend it wassmiley - cool.
I hope you were able to get out and about abit.

Keep in touchsmiley - loveblush

Morning Paganmoon

Post 10

Paganmoon - Crazy as Ever

Hi again Mysticdreamer.... smiley - hug

My hubby is happy to do his bit to help, and he's 10yrs my junior, bless him smiley - love
He says he loves me no matter what.... And between me n you, I'm not the lightest of people too.... lol. smiley - laugh. Well I've put weight on since I stopped smoking about 18 months or so ago, which coincided with me being wheelchair bound, so not much exercise, but hubby doesn't care about that... He say's just as long as I still love him... And I do.... smiley - hugsmiley - love

At the moment I've lost the plot... smiley - winkeyesmiley - laugh I've nicked hubby's Darkness cd, oh to be 20 years younger, I'll give Justin Hawkins a run for his money.... lol... His brother Dan's not bad either.... smiley - smooch Wey hey hey... smiley - loveblush
Ignore me, I'm at a funny age.... lol....

Take care and chat soon.....
PAGANMOON aka Sheryl.....xxxx smiley - love

Morning Paganmoon

Post 11


Hi Sheryl,
Its nice to put a name to a message!smiley - smileysmiley - biggrinsmiley - cool
I think your hubby sounds a gem smiley - smooch-glad that you're so happy together. Age is just a number thats what I say.
I had my birthday two weeks ago, next year will be the big 40.smiley - bubbly. My hubby is 5 years older, but says he looks years youngersmiley - winkeye.
Better humour him!!!
They annoy us sometimessmiley - ermwhen they're hogging the TV watching football or always saying to the kids ask you mother! but what would we do without them!smiley - loveblush
Mine has got the flu at the mosmiley - wah AKA a cold and is expecting some tender loving care.smiley - teasmiley - cake but I'm too tired after a day at work, cooking and wrestling with the kids to care.smiley - erm
I'm not up on music these days, must be my age smiley - sadface
Will ask my 13 year old son about Darkness!
Just had some badnews, my motherinlaw is coming for a visit.smiley - wah
Last time there was war.
So may be off my head in the weeks to come.

Lovely to speak,
Keep in touchsmiley - ok

Love Mysticdreamer smiley - magicAKA Margaret!!

Morning Paganmoon

Post 12

Paganmoon - Crazy as Ever

Hi there Margaret smiley - hug

smiley - sorry to hear about your invasion from the inlaw... As you know, I don't rate mine very well.. smiley - grr
How's you hubby doing with his snotty nose?? lol.. They can be such drama queens at times.. smiley - biggrin
Mines been busy mowing the back lawn again, seeing as it's finally stopped p*****g down.. We've had a bit of sunshine today, but not as warm as last weekend.. He's also part cleaned the car, part cleaned as the hoover packed in.. Thankfully it was only a fuse..
I'm out of touch with the music of today myaelf.. At one point, years ago, I knew everysong and every band/singer ect... I watch the music channel now and again but I'm no bloody wiser... smiley - laugh

The Darkness are a young band who hail from Lowerstoft.. They consist of the Hawkins brothers, Justin, frontman and lead guitar, his brother Dan, joint lead guitar, Frankie Poullain on bass guitar and Ed Graham on drums..
Their latest offering is "Love is Only a Feeling"... You may remember their Christmas record, "Christmastime, Don't Let The Bells End"....

I actually sounded as if I knew what I was talking about then... lol.. smiley - biggrin

Chat soon... Take care..
smiley - love Sheryl...xxxx

Morning Paganmoon

Post 13


Hi Sheryl,
It was lovely to get your messagesmiley - smiley, sorry I haven't replied before!
I've been soooooooo stressedsmiley - wah, she's coming tomorrowsmiley - sadface,
and the house is in a right state. On May day we went to B & Q to buy a hanging basket as ours is dead.smiley - erm don't laugh.
When we got home he said the wallpaper near the window in the living room is peeling back abit, I'd better stick it. Next thing while I was watching John Cusack in Serendipitysmiley - smooch, he is gorgeous, I heard a rip, he had taken the whole strip off, saying I think we'll redecorate.smiley - sadface
So now, there is one and half walls painted and all my books are on the floor in the dining room, I got paint on my favourite skirt yesterday and I don't really like the colour much (wild primrose)!
He's left it far too late, and I broke all my nails last night scouring the kitchen.
Sorry to go on!! Must be giving you a headache.
How are you and family?smiley - loveblush
Hope you had a good May Day, it poured here.
Thanks for the update on Darknesssmiley - ok, I did see something in the paper about one of them being a bit of a headcase? I will have to listen out for their music, like you I used to know all the latest bands, but somehow I've lost all my knowledge, and feel quite out of touch!smiley - sadface
I feel abit like Shirley Valentine at the mo? Do you know what I mean?
Lots of love
xsmiley - magic

Morning Paganmoon

Post 14

Paganmoon - Crazy as Ever

Hiya Margaret,
I don't envy you one bit luv, I hate all the upheaval of decorating.. No wonder you're stressed, all that and the mother-in-law.. smiley - wah
Here, have a smiley - stiffdrink to calm your nerves.. lol..

The bit you read in the paper was probably about Justin, he can be a bit (a lot, lol) mad at times.. You should see some of the outfits he wears, tight catsuits and the like.. They don't leave much to the imagination.. smiley - winkeyesmiley - loveblush
Their music is based on the 70's type glam rock.. If you like Queen then you would like some of their stuff, although some tracks on their album do have a few choice words in them... lol.. smiley - bleep
I know that Justin was waiting for a throat op., but I haven't heard anything else about it.. I do hope it goes well for him..

Hope the inlaw doesn't cause you too much grief.. You could always hang her with the hanging basket... lol. smiley - evilgrin

Take care luv.. Chat soon..
smiley - love Sheryl...xxxx

Morning Paganmoon

Post 15


Hi Sheryl,
Thanks for your messagesmiley - smiley. Well, I can't believe its Monday againsmiley - sadface, the weekend was ruined as I guessed. Friday he went to the airport to pick her up and said that he'd left a mess after he'd finally finished the decorating so I had to leave early to get the place shipshape.smiley - erm Unfortunately my husband does pander to his mum's whims and she said she was too nervous to sleep downstairs alone, we've got a sofabed.smiley - tongueout
So she insisted that he sleep downstairs too.On Saturday I had a sick headache all day, I just could not shift, pentup stress, I guess.smiley - erm It went downhill from there. She's staying until the end of Junesmiley - wah, but is at my sisterinlaws for a bit so I can reclaim my house for the moment.I had to laugh about your idea with the hanging basketsmiley - biggrin.
Anyway enough of my moaning!! How are you? Have you done any writing recently.smiley - ok
Have you seen that BBC Endofstory competition? Eight famous authors have started a short story and you have to end it!smiley - run Sounds interesting. I'm going to give it a go.
Always hoping for successsmiley - bubbly and good luck!smiley - magic

Take care, and hope all well
Margaretsmiley - magic

Morning Paganmoon

Post 16

Paganmoon - Crazy as Ever

Hiya Margaret..
Sorry I've taken so long in replying to you luv, I've been battling with a lingering migrain for most of the week, really threw me offside.. smiley - wah
I'm not suprised that you had a bad head with having to put up with your mother-in-law.. How old is she??? Fancy having to have someone sleep with her.. I bet that hanging basket's looking good right about now eh.. smiley - evilgrin Will she get pampered at your sister-in-laws as well?
I've heard of that endofstory thingy but haven't looked into it as yet.. Sounds interesting though.
No, I've not done any writing in a while luv, just not got the patience at the mo., can't seem to consentrate these days.. smiley - sadface
Well I must make a move, (not that I wan't to) and get a bit done around here..
I'll be in touch soon.. Take care..
smiley - love Sheryl..xxxxx

Morning Paganmoon

Post 17


Hello Sheryl, smiley - smiley
Really nice to log in today and find your message. I thought I might have bored you to death the last time.smiley - erm
So sorry to hear about your migraine, they are rotten aren't they?
I do get lots of headaches myself, they seem to eminate from my neck and are always on the right side. smiley - sadface I guess they might be stress, as loads going on at the mo, apart from MIL, we are having to compete for our own jobs at work or get made redundant!smiley - wah Did anything help in the end?
I went to my doctor who just said (helpfully) lose weight,smiley - cakesmiley - choc its fatty tissue in your neck.smiley - winkeye. He did make me feel like some kind of freak. smiley - blush I don't look like elephant man honestly.
My MIL is only 64, and quite spritely, but she just likes us to pander to her.smiley - tea. He didn't actually sleep WITH her I should have said! Just nearby. At my sisterinlaws she sleeps with her two little girls in their room. But I have two boys and they wouldn't be that keen, she is virtually a stranger to them.
Last time, she did sleep in my youngest sons room, while he slept on the floor in our room, but since then I've bought him one of those cabin beds, with the ladder!!!!I couldn't imagine her getting up there.smiley - biggrin.
You're right the hanging basket is looking nice, shame about the rest of the garden.smiley - erm
I know I haven't written much recently either, too much stress. Got my interview on Monday so after that may feel inspired.smiley - ok

Well look after yourself. Have a great weekend.smiley - cool
Be happy and luckysmiley - magic
Love Margaret
xxsmiley - smiley

Morning Paganmoon

Post 18

Paganmoon - Crazy as Ever

Hiya Margaret.. smiley - hug

The weather's been lovely here past few days.. Sat out in the back garden today eating my Sunday tea... smiley - biggrin
The warm sunshine seems to have eased my neck a bit..
As for the migrians luv, nothing much helps, I took a couple of hubby's paramax tablets, (they're for migrains) and just took things easy, kept having a lie down.. It's not just the pain, those damn flashing visual distubances really throw me off...
Mine do stem partially from my neck because of the sponylitis, but I would have smacked your doc. right in his prescription pad if he'd said that to me, cheeky sod.. smiley - wah
I understood what you meant about your hubby sleeping downstairs with the wicked smiley - witch lol... Not with, but same room... smiley - ok
Well must go, got my daughter in the bath, I'd better go and wash her hair before she floods the bloody place... smiley - laugh
Take care luv, chat soon..
smiley - love Sheryl...xxxxx

Morning Paganmoon

Post 19


Hi there Sheryl.smiley - smiley

Thanks for your message!smiley - ok. What a glorious weekend, smiley - coolglad you were able to enjoy the sun and it eased your neck abit. I sat under the sun umbrella too, preparing for my interview while he was planting flowers in pots. He's really got green fingers at the mo! What we need is to live in a warm climate. Mmmm. I'd really like to get away somewhere this year. Haven't been abroad since 1990!smiley - sadface Sad or what. Never mind.
Those migraines must be hard to take, with the flashing lights, poor you. I just usually feel sick, last time I lay in a darkened room with the window open to try and ease it. I do love chocolate and cheesesmiley - cakesmiley - choc, so I guess I ought to avoid them? But got to have some pleasures in life.smiley - biggrin
You're right about my doc. I also suffer with a red face smiley - blushand flushing, sometimes its really soresmiley - wah and I asked him about it, he just said keep out of the sun. Very sympathetic. I do think if I was a leggy size 10, he would be more helpful.smiley - erm
How old is your little girl? My youngest was 8 last week, and he wanted a personal CD player, and a various artists CD. He's been singing and dancing all weekend and I'm getting to know some of the latest hits!smiley - ok Just watch I'll get groovy.smiley - winkeye

Well nice to catch up as usual smiley - hug
Write soon
xxsmiley - magic

Morning Paganmoon

Post 20

Paganmoon - Crazy as Ever

Hiya Margaret...
My daughter is 11yrs, not at all ladylike, and a pain in the arse... smiley - laugh Seriously, she's not too bad, but she can't half have some moods on her at times..
The red face thing sounds like rosacea, certain foods and drink can trigger it off.. I would go back to your doc. and ask him to take another look, or even ask to be refered to a skin specialist.. He doesn't sound much interested in anything.. Is there any ailments he does know about??? smiley - wah
Well with all the nice weather we've had I seem to have caught up on my washing.. smiley - laugh I'd just been washing the essentials before as I had nowhere to dry anything, only on the radiators.. It's a bit overcast and breezy today but still dry so I've got a few bits pegged out, they're probably dry by now...
Yes the migrains do take their toll, they always leave me feeling drained.. I used to blame the chocolate, but I hardly touch the stuff these days and it doesn't make any difference, can't blame the nicotine either as I quit smoking nearly two years ago... smiley - biggrin I don't suppose the smiley - stiffdrink vodka helps though.. smiley - laugh
Well I suppose I'd better make a move.. Hope this finds you well..
Chat soon, take care...
smiley - love Sheryl...xxxxxx

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