This is the Message Centre for Paganmoon - Crazy as Ever

Morning Paganmoon

Post 21


Hiya Sheryl,smiley - smiley
Was off yesterday with my neck again.smiley - sadface. Felt quite sorry for myself.smiley - wah You're right about my doc, I wouldn't mind but he is about 26 stone and works part-time due to a heart attack.smiley - tongueout
I'm not kidding.
That was really interesting you suggesting rosaceasmiley - blush cos I read up about it on the internet and had wondered....
I've decided to book another appointment for Monday and I'm going to try to be assertive - I usually end up backing down. As you say a skin specialist and maybe an xray on my neck. I'm wondering if its arthritis or something. To be honest, I've been feeling quite tearful and very low recentlysmiley - wah and I'm hoping he might give me something to calm me. Sounds like a long appointment.smiley - biggrin
Sorry you probably think I sound like a walking disaster area!
I'll let you know how I get on.smiley - erm
My niece is 12 and my sister has told me she's been really angry and obnoxious for ages now. I guess they're hormonal. We were never allowed to be...were we?smiley - biggrin
Well the weathers broken here, at least it saves watering the pots!

I meant to ask you how do you get all those great symbols, witch etc.
Take care and write soon.smiley - ok
Have a great weekendsmiley - magic
Lots of lovesmiley - hug

Morning Paganmoon

Post 22


Hi Sheryl,

Just a quick email to say sorry really!!smiley - sadface
I realise I've been a right moaner going on about my ailments and not coming up for air. I must have been a right pain.
I did go to the GP yesterday and he has prescribed me some anti-depressants, so I hope I'll start feeling better soon.

Anyway I just wanted to thank you really and to say how much it meant to me knowing you were there for a chat when I've been feeling down. Sorry it was so one sided.I'm not usually so selfish.

Anyway be happy and luckysmiley - bubblysmiley - magic

Your friend
xxsmiley - smiley

Morning Paganmoon

Post 23

Paganmoon - Crazy as Ever

Good morning Margaret.. smiley - hug

It's good to hear that your doc. is finally listening to you hun.. Hope the pills help you..
There is no need to appologise luv, don't be silly.. It helps at times to have a bit of a moan, hey I should know, I'm falling apart... lol.. smiley - smiley
Has the doc. sorted anything out about your neck and other probs??
I got a letter over the weekend saying to book in for a smear test... smiley - wah It'll have to wait though, as it's the wrong time of the month.. (Do us women have a right time I ask myself... lol..) I've been all over the place recently as regards the old womens curse.. I know it's my age, don't see for months then three times in two months.. A bit like the bus service.. lol.. smiley - laugh
You asked about the symbols, smiley - witch is witch in the brackets < > and smiley - zoom is zoom in < >, the same as you do the others..
The bloody window cleaner has just banged his ladder on the bedroom window and I nearly wet myself, I jumped out of my skin.. smiley - laugh Doesn't he realise I'm a jibbering wreck... lol..
Hope you feel better soon luv, I'm always here if you feel like a chat or a moan.. Take care..
Love from Sheryl.. xxxx smiley - love

Hello Paganmoon!

Post 24


Hello Sheryl.

Thanks alot for your message smiley - smiley I felt quite emotional when I read it!smiley - wah Mind you thats nothing new these days.
Yes I saw the thin doc yesterday and he was good, on the neck and headaches, he said it was most probably stress/tension. I went on to unburden myself and he diagnosed depression.smiley - erm Wrote me a prescription, and then said before I had a chance to mention thesmiley - blush, you are bright red smiley - loveblush. He said thats rosacea!!!
Can you believe it? Clever girl.smiley - ok and wrote me another prescription for some gel. I haven't got them yet, do you think I'll get addicted though? (Prozac). Still I think I need something, I keep forgetting thingssmiley - huh he went mad at me the other night I went to bed and left the back door open, quote "we could have been murdered in our beds".
smiley - sorry about your monthly problem, or thrice monthlysmiley - skull. Nasty.
Maybe its an early menopausesmiley - sadface, do you have any other symptoms.
smiley - groan I don't like going for a smear, what we have to put up with as a woman! I luckily had a clear one the other day, but am always worried cos I've had quite a few problems in the past(laser treatment and a cone biopsy).
I cancelled our windowcleaner, he kept knocking for payment late at night!! smiley - biggrin
Thanks I can play for hours on the smiley index now! But I spose I'd better do some work.smiley - sadface

smiley - ta for being there!
Take care friend,
smiley - love Margaret

Hello Paganmoon!

Post 25


Hi Sheryl,

Just wanted to wish you a great weekend and Bank Holiday.smiley - smiley
Lets hope the sun shines smiley - cool and we can chill out of doors.smiley - cheers

Speak to you soon,
Love Margaret
xsmiley - magic

Hello Paganmoon!

Post 26

Paganmoon - Crazy as Ever

Hi there Margaret.. smiley - hug

Read your message last night but I'd had a few drinks so didn't want to prattle on half cut... lol..
I've nothing planned for the weekend, then again I never have.. It pee'd down for most of yesterday, but It's dry today, sun popping in and out, it's fairly warm..
Just been out in the back garden to feed the birds.. We have quite a few of them visiting at the moment of various discriptions.. smiley - smiley

I'm pleased that you managed to see a sympathetic doctor at last.. I don't know much about prozac luv.. If it's only a low dose it should be ok.. Like you say, you need something so I'd give them a try and see if they help.. Give them a weeks trial and see how you respond to them, if you don't feel any different then go back and see the doc. again.. Just don't take them with alcohol.. Really you should try to identify the cause of the depression and try to eliminate it.. Not always easy I know.. Hope things start to pick up soon luv.. Hope the gel works too on your flushes.. smiley - blush

Yes I have had other menopausal symptoms, hot flushes, mood swings.. The doc. put me on HRT a few years ago, it did help ease things a bit, especially the moods.. But now he suggested that I take a break from it, so I stopped taking it a few months ago.. I've been ok really apart from the monthly wotsits. smiley - wah .. Had a few hot flushes but coped with them, mind you I was still getting a few while I was on HRT..
I've still not booked in for my smear yet.. I'll get round to it one day.. lol.. smiley - erm

My hubby has just put a poster up for me on the bedroom wall, it's of the group The Darkness.. smiley - biggrin My friend in Newcastle sent it for me.. I'll be having strange dreams tonight eh.. smiley - rofl Definitely be having hot flushes now.. lol.. smiley - laughsmiley - loveblush

Take care my friend, chat soon..
smiley - love Sheryl.. xxxxx

Hello Paganmoon!

Post 27


Hi Sheryl,smiley - smiley
I don't mind you prattling on half cut or otherwise!! Just lovely to hear from you.smiley - biggrin Hope you had a nice weekend afterwards! Your garden sounds nice, are you in the country? Actually I saw a squirrel on my fence yesterday!smiley - mouse Day 7 of my tablets, no ill effects but don't feel any different either. Doc said it takes 14 days at least before you feel the effect. Will let you know.smiley - ok You're right, should find the root of the depression really,its'just life.smiley - steam
Speaking of which, my MIL smiley - witch arrived for the bank holiday weekend on Sat, just to ruin things. Left with my curtains.smiley - erm But I survived it. Made her sleep upstairs and put my foot down when he said we'd have to ferry her to my sisterinlaws, made them come and pick her up. Maybe the tablets are helping after all! How are you getting on with yours these days? It must be difficult as she's next door.
First day back at work after the long weekend. Kids off this week,went to see Harry Potter yesterday smiley - wizard. smiley - sorry that you've experienced such unpleasant effects of the menopause, I know the advice on HRT changed recently, so better to be off it maybe?
Well The Darkness! You'll have sweet dreams now with him looking down on you.smiley - smooch
Better runsmiley - run
Take care friendsmiley - hug
smiley - love
Write soon.

Hello Paganmoon!

Post 28

Paganmoon - Crazy as Ever

Good evening Margaret..
Sounds like the pills could be working there hun... lol..smiley - smiley Good that you put your foot down about your MIL.. It certainly would have made you feel more in control of things, and that's a plus..
Mine has been fairly quiet of late, but not expecting it to last...
No luv, I don't live in the country.. I live in a small town called Leigh, about half way between Manchester and Liverpool.. We seem to have quite a few birds visiting at the moment.. We've put out various feeders and I keep throwing bread out for them.. It's nice to sit out and watch them.. We get lots of starlings and they're forever squabbling over the food... They're so comical to watch.. smiley - laugh
The weekend went ok thanx, managed to spend sometime sitting outdoors.. Yes my daughter is off school this week.. We're having a ride out to Pendle tomorrow, it will be a welcome change.. We're taking my eldaest daughter and her fella with us, it will be a welcome change for them too... Think the weather will be ok tomorrow, it's done nowt but pee down today.. We went to Bolton this afternoon to the market, got bloody soaked.. smiley - wah When I got up out of my wheelchair it looked like I'd pee'd myself... smiley - laugh
Well so far The Darkness are behaving themselves up on the wall... smiley - biggrinsmiley - winkeye
Hope things are going ok with you...
Take care, chat soon..
smiley - love Sheryl...xxxxx

p.s. Have you been watching big bro.. a right set of misfits and loons... smiley - laugh

Hello Paganmoon!

Post 29


Hi there Sheryl,smiley - smiley
Its boiling here, and its supposed to get even hotter tomorrow.smiley - cool
That sounds a good spot to live close to two big cities.
I've never been that far north, I went to Nottingham for a residential training course years ago. That was really good fun.smiley - bubblysmiley - cake
I live in a small town too, called Welling, its in Kent, not far from London, where I commute to the daily grind!smiley - wah
But I grew up in South Wales where my family still live. I moved to London 17 and half years ago to be with himsmiley - smooch.
It seemed a good idea at the time! I sometimes wish I'd bought a house in Wales before I moved, they were so cheap then, they've really risen in price. I'd be laughing nowsmiley - biggrin Never mind.
Thanks for your good wishes as alwayssmiley - ok, you're right feeling in control of a situation helps alot.Sounds like you like to watch the birds, we've quite a few woods near us so lots of foxes and squirrels. In fact saturday morning the rubbish was strewn around the garden.smiley - sadface that was my first job of the day.

smiley - sorry you got drenched at the market, but hope you enjoyed your trip out to Pendle, is that a local beauty spot.
Did your young daughter want to come? My eldest son never wants to go anywhere with us!smiley - erm We ought to get out and about now the weathers nice, but never get further than the garden centre or DIY place. Still don't want to stop him while he's motivated!!smiley - winkeye. He got a new toy, a George Foreman grill so we tried it last night, we all had to eat in stages!smiley - laugh

Well luv, better go and do some work.smiley - run
smiley - hug and smiley - love as always.
Oh Big Bro, haven't watched it this time, is it worth a look?
I followed I'm a celebrity and Fame Academy!!

Hello Paganmoon!

Post 30


Hi there Sheryl.smiley - smiley

Hope all's well with you and the family.
How did your husband react to the England defeat!smiley - sadface

I'm at home this week, as my blood pressure is now sky-high! Got tablets for that now, haha. Just shoot me!!
I've popped into the library to get some books to give me something to do, as daytime TV sucks. Thought I'd pop in and say Hello.

Well, luv, I hope I haven't inadvertantly offended you someway, wasn't intentional.

Lots of love

PS Doc wants me to lose weight, I'm starving, going home for a tuna salad, argghhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!
smiley - hug

Hello Paganmoon!

Post 31

Paganmoon - Crazy as Ever

Hiya Margaret, smiley - hug
No luv, you haven't offended me at all, just me getting way laid in replying, lazy arse that I am... lol.
Sorry to hear about your blood pressure, just you take it easy and watch what you're doing.. Hope you're not still plagued by the MIL, that won't help matters any..
Pendle is in Burnley, bout an hours drive away.. It's famous for the Lancashire witch trials, you'll probably find a book on it at the library luv..
My daughter was looking forward to coming with us but then her fiance had problems with his ankle, all swollen up and could hardly walk, so in the end they couldn't make it.. So in the end it was just myself, hubby and our youngest girl.. We had a good day tho'... Turns out my daughters fiance, Andy, has got gout... Ouch..
Hubby wasn't best pleased at the footie result, neither was I, the air was smiley - blue to say the least.. lol..
We are all well here thanks luv, well except I've got the dreaded womans thing again.. smiley - wah
Hope all is well with you and yours..
Take care of yourself hun..
Bright blessings, Sheryl... xxxxx smiley - love

Hello Paganmoon!

Post 32


Hi Sheryl,smiley - smiley
It was nice to hear from you.smiley - hug I hope you're feeling all right.
Sorry I must have sounded abit paranoid to you,haha, just ignore me!smiley - biggrin.
It gave me quite a jolt having such a high BP. Found out by accident when I popped to FP clinic. Thought I might croak it or something.smiley - wah
Anyway, its gone down again slightly this week- still taking the tablets (as they say). Back to work today and am trying to follow a low fat and low salt diet. You've done so well, giving up smoking, so hopefully I can give up food thats bad for me.
Yes, we'll all be watching the football tonight! Loads of flags everywhere in our street. Mind you he hasn't missed a match yet, I've had to time the dinner between matches.smiley - sadface
Will look out for stories on the Pendle witch trials, sounds interesting, I was watching a programme about a wickan (spelling!) last week.smiley - witch
My Mil is going home next Tuesday. There's been another family row, between hubby and his sister this time.(probably fuelled by her)It was about something and nothing, but he says we're never going to visit them again.smiley - smiley Then MIL said that she's never coming back again as there's always rows. (Some good news then)!!
Trying not to get involved, don't need the stress.
Other bad news, I didn't win that competition, and they didn't even write and let me know, had to read about the winner in Best mag.
Oh well....

What are you up to at the mo?
smiley - winkeye
smiley - love
xxsmiley - magic

Hello Paganmoon!

Post 33

Paganmoon - Crazy as Ever

Hiya Margaret...
Good to hear your blood pressure has gone down some.. Just make sure you don't over do things..
Well the England lads seem to have found their feet (and heads) at last eh... Good on 'em.. smiley - biggrin
I'm not doing much today, have to wait in for the central heating fella to come this afternoon to give it a service etc., so i'm being lazy.. lol...
My daughter starts high school in September so we had to go to an introductory evening yesterday, it appears that she will be in one of the top classes, I'm pleased about that.. smiley - bubbly
Well the weather's turned here, wet and windy.. Yesterday was dry and warm again, but today it's gone back to the rain.. smiley - wah It's playing havok with our gazebo, the canvass keeps flooding on one corner and it's stretching it.. Hubby has to keep prodding it with a stick to get the water off before it rips the bloody thing... smiley - wah
I want sunshine...
Oh, the spelling you wanted is "wiccan" (wicca)..
Hope everything is ok at your end luv, things ok here..
Take care of yourself..
Bright blessings, Sheryl... xxxxx smiley - peacedove

Hello Paganmoon!

Post 34


Hey Sheryl,smiley - smiley
Yes tonights the night! We're treating ourselves to a takeaway while we're watching. So no cooking to worry about hurray. Not my favourite occupation.
I'll have a low fat kebab of course.
Have been good all week, but really miss adding salt to my dinner.smiley - sadface
Yesterday there was gale force winds here and driving rain, our garden fence is in pieces, whoops! only last week I was filling the pool.(paddling)!Not for mesmiley - biggrin what a change.
I'm feeling quite drowsy,smiley - yawn maybe its the tablets, am off tomorrow, as my little one has teachers training day. Going to chillsmiley - cool, maybe watch some Wimbledon if its not rained off.
Did you get your daughter into the school you wanted?
Its murder here, my son didn't get into the school we wanted, he was split from all his friends, I tried everything, appeal, MP, hospital letters etc. He's now in Year 8 and has only just got over it.smiley - wah
The school they offered him was in special measures, having failed its Ofsted report.smiley - sadface
Still like your daughter he's in the top sets for everything so I just have to hope for the best.
Oh my friend has sent me an yearly horoscope by Jonathan Cainer, so I'm dying to read whats in store.smiley - magic
Well going to speed off nowsmiley - run
Take care
smiley - hug

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