This is the Message Centre for Amy: ear-deep in novels, poetics, and historical documents.

Lead On, McAmy!

Post 1


hi amy, i am trying to get my eyes on some really bad poetry...i've gone to advanced search and looked at worst poetry and bad poetry...when i get to those sites, there's no actual poems there...well, maybe 1 or 2, surely there must be more than that. also looking for more nonsense poetry...thanks in advance...bix

Lead On, McAmy!

Post 2

Amy: ear-deep in novels, poetics, and historical documents.

You mean on h2g2?

There's just a possibility that there isn't any more here. smiley - erm

More later when I don't have homework to do.

Calculus, Philosophy, and Shakespeare, o my! smiley - yikessmiley - run

Lead On, McAmy!

Post 3


wow! tell me how you do it? i've got 1..yep, count'm,1 sociology class...and just a part time some volunteer work...but, thatsa 'bout must be busy girl! about the waxing badly stuff...if'n ya's ain't gotz der nob..i'll snoop around and see what i might stumble across...besides this @!#$ chair every night! big thanks fer getting back to me, girly-girl...euoar kewl.

Lead On, McAmy!

Post 4

Amy: ear-deep in novels, poetics, and historical documents.

How do I do it? Very carefully, I suppose. Oh, and I don't really work for money outside a very minor commitment with the pep band here at uni (around 6 hours a week). I only take about the normal compliment of classes - 16 hours - and sometimes even then it doesn't seem like enough to occupy me. But then I'm not a partier, so I stay in most nights I don't have bball games to play at and therefore I get my work done early. smiley - erm

As far as bad poetry goes, I'm honestly not sure precisely what you deem bad poetry, so you'll have to tell me just what you mean so I can do a search. But if you know what you're looking for and you've done an advanced search, what you found might be all that's here.

Lead On, McAmy!

Post 5


i'm not much of a partier costs too much and later, it hurts. i stay pretty low key. i sentcha a poem...if you've too much spare time, do some voluteer work. it's lotsa fun! fer me, anyway. no classes today?

Lead On, McAmy!

Post 6

Amy: ear-deep in novels, poetics, and historical documents.

My roommate is more of a partier - and I've seen the effect it has on her grades. I just have learned better, and I'm still underage for drinking alcohol, so partying would kinda suck for the next six months ( I've got six months before I reach 21).

I did get your poem - I think I know more what you mean now.

And my volunteer work is actually here on h2g2 as an ACE and a Guru. smiley - winkeye

Classes... Thursday is my light day, but I've got to be running off to philosophy right now, actually. So here I go... smiley - run

Lead On, McAmy!

Post 7


okely...have a good'n...catch ya later, gator!

Lead On, McAmy!

Post 8

Amy: ear-deep in novels, poetics, and historical documents.

Mmm... classage was tasty. smiley - winkeye

Lead On, McAmy!

Post 9


that's fabulous! learning is such fun...i love it. perhaps i'll catch ya over the weekend...if not, enjoy! caio...

Lead On, McAmy!

Post 10

Amy: ear-deep in novels, poetics, and historical documents.

Indeed. smiley - smiley

Lead On, McAmy!

Post 11


hiya,amy...i've just decided. something i've been tossing about fer 2 months...i'm movin'. howz' the weekend? you're in pennsylvania, right? i was talkin' to a bud in boston this morn. zero degrees! yikes! caio-caio fer now...s'long, bix

Lead On, McAmy!

Post 12

Amy: ear-deep in novels, poetics, and historical documents.

Oh, cool. Where are you moving to?

And I'm in Pa during the summer and on breaks - I attend school in Virginia. smiley - cool But it's been cold here, too. I almost got frostbite walking up from our stadium last weekend after playing pep band for a basketball game. smiley - brr

Lead On, McAmy!

Post 13


what instrument do you play? i think you are really cool, girl. you seem to know what's important. it took me way longer, but i think i'm there now. just keep on being amy, true to you, and you will not go wrong. as far as moving goes, i've exhausted all the places i've wanted to live in the states, soooo...i have friends in manchester, england, cousins in sydney, australia and morocco...but, i have someone very special in cape town, south africa. so, i think come december, i'm going to africa. what am i waiting for? strike whilst the iron is hot, you say. it's just a matter of finances right now, plus some health type issues that need to be resolved. after that...10 months...colour me skee-daddled! we'll chat plenty between now and then, i'm sure...but, i'm giving you advance notice that you're on my contact far, you're only number 23! i'm solly...keep on with your good deeds, amy, and you will be rewarded thricely! caio!

Lead On, McAmy!

Post 14

Amy: ear-deep in novels, poetics, and historical documents.

smiley - bigeyes

Would you believe you're not the first person to tell me such things recently, and I still won't believe it? smiley - winkeye

(I play flute, btw, with a little piano and guitar on top)

And South Africa sounds *cool* man. Tis somewhere I'd like to visit, maybe. But my sights are set on the UK as my boyfriend lives there... I'm going over there this summer and I can't wait. smiley - biggrin

Lead On, McAmy!

Post 15


well, that must tell you something, girly-girl. and it tells me something too...that there is at least one other person out there with an acute sense of perception! you ARE a sweet and kind person! believe it. and yes, i can't wait to get to s.a., you're boyfriend is in the uk, so you know first-hand how hard it is for the one you love to be soooooo far away. my girl may as well be on the moon fer all the good it does me.we talk every day...and e-mail much more...but, i still miss her so...tell you what! you say you'd like to visit africa? when i get settled in, you and your man can visit any time you'd like! a deal? good. ahhh, the flute. very nice. you mentioned the guitar...i played the guitar in several bands for about 20 years or, not so much anymore..i got extremely burned out on it. the joy of playing was no longer there for became just another job, so i stopped...i'm slowly getting back into it though. i love music and couldn't live without it. babbling again...sorry...

Lead On, McAmy!

Post 16

Amy: ear-deep in novels, poetics, and historical documents.

smiley - blush Darn all of you kind people... smiley - winkeye

And yes - having a true long distance relationship is massively hard. Unfortunately in my case, the way time zones work out, my bf is at work during my mornings, and only gets home about the same time I go off to class for the day (all afternoon and night classes - seemed like a good idea at the time. smiley - erm). So we only get to talk if I happen to get back early or he does - assuming neither of us is too tired to even bother to turn on the computer. We wish we could do phone stuff, but it's too expensive and we always end up getting crappy connections. We have just realized, though, how nice it is to get something snail-mail from the other. smiley - biggrin Hopefully I'll be done with my undergrad and he with his masters two years from now and we can decide what to do then. It's just a very unhappy situation right now - getting to be in the same physical area as someone you love only once a year really stinks.

But I bet you already know that. smiley - winkeye

And I know what you mean about getting burnt out with music. I was a music major for a whole year (long story, that), and decided just recently to drop it back to a minor because it became something I didn't enjoy as much. I will always enjoy performing and teaching (one of these years I want to give lessons), but as a full-time occupation? Sorry, not me. I can't cut it.

Lead On, McAmy!

Post 17


you poor dear,i can relate, believe me. aneets(my girl) is 9 hours later than i am here. so, when she's tired from her hard day,i'm basically getting started with know the drill. we're out of sync. it's a drag,but, she's for me, and that's just the way it is,so, i deal with it. about the phone calls,i've discovered a fairly cheap way to talk. i buy the 100 minute international phone cards for about 10 bucks,that gives me 38 minutes to sa, i don't know how many you'd get to the uk. yes! isn't it the most marvelous thing communicating the old fashioned way!!! i love it!!! making me wait. good night/day to ya...caio fer now.

Lead On, McAmy!

Post 18

Amy: ear-deep in novels, poetics, and historical documents.

Ooh, 9 hours? I thought 5 was rough. But it is true - you play with the cards your dealt.

I also have a phone card - a rather huge one that my aunt and uncle bought me when I first came to uni two years ago and I can get international calls relatively cheap on it, but it's starting to run low, and besides, we can hardly understand each other for the static. Ach.

But letters and cards and random gifty things rock. Especially when he tells me he's sending *something* but not what or when it'll get here.

O yeah. Did I mention I originally met him on here? he's over at U113478. smiley - smiley

Lead On, McAmy!

Post 19


hi amy, i see it's rather cold with you just now. brrrrrrrr...bundle up, kiddo. i started back to school yesterday and was i glad to be back! my new professor is quite the character, i know i'll learn alot with her and have fun doing so. i looked at "his" site yesterday, but only briefly. i think it's great that you met him here. i think meeting people on-line is a good way to get to know someone. i may be wrong, but it seems to me that meeting on-line gives you the advantage of learning about someone without any preconceived bias's. meeting people this way has paid off for me, because i've been exsposed to people that i wouldn't have been otherwise, you know what i mean? have a good one and try to stay warm! s'long, girl!

Lead On, McAmy!

Post 20

Amy: ear-deep in novels, poetics, and historical documents.

Oh, cool, I didn't know you were still in school. smiley - cool What're you studying?

And Clive (IRL Richard) only gets a "his"? smiley - laugh I'll have to tell him that. smiley - winkeye

I do sort of like the fact that he and I met online. I probably would have never become interested in him otherwise for one reason or another (outside of the whole ocean deal, our paths would have never crossed). But yeah, it does allow you to get to know the *person* first, rather than their actions and looks, and that's what love is really based on anyway. smiley - smiley Once you meet, it's just a slight adjustment to what the person looks like and not having delays when you're talking (MSN likes to crash when Rich and I are trying to chat). smiley - winkeye

Anyway - it is COLD smiley - brr outside today down here... I don't have the heat on in the room as it's warm enough inside cause everyone else's heat is on full-blast, but it's absolutely frigid out in the quad. Good thing I finally found a scarf. smiley - biggrin

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