This is the Message Centre for Skie

*musical intro...*

Post 1

Amy: ear-deep in novels, poetics, and historical documents.


Happy birthday toooo-a you...

Happy birth-a-day to youuuuu

Happy birth-a-day dear Aliiiii-son,

Happy-a birth-a-day to yooooooooooooooouu...!

No present at the moment-- sorry-- but isn't this almost (not at all) the same? Luv ya, dearie. Have fun on vacation...

~Amy (Queen of Max's giant taxi and Empress of Earth)

*musical intro...*

Post 2




smiley - smiley

*musical intro...*

Post 3


o geez! i completely forgot about this whole thing! smiley - smiley i've rediscovered the joys of h2g2...

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