This is the Message Centre for Skie

Hi Skie!

Post 1

Amy Pawloski, aka 'paper lady'--'Mufflewhump'?!? click here to find out... (ACE)

Just thought I'd stop by... Have a mufflewhump!

It's nice to meet the person that brought one of my best friends on here ages agosmiley - biggrin If not for you, I'd imagine I would never have flown cross country this summersmiley - bigeyes

I'd say more, but 1) I'm not much of a talker, and 2) I'm expecting a call from the UK, so I'd better free up the phoneline.

Anyway, welcome back! If you need anything, just yellsmiley - smiley

Hi Skie!

Post 2


hi. smiley - smiley i don't know if i've ever met you in person, but thanks for the warm welcome. i don't know how much i'll be around here, since i have an incredible amount of stuff going on in Real Life (is that how you all refer to it here? smiley - winkeye)--anyway, plus, our network connection isn't too good. heh. but i will be visiting, on and off.

i have a record of setting people up. smiley - biggrin directly and indirectly. friends and s.o.s (that looks like s.ave o.ur s.hip, but it's *actually* s.ignificant o.ther.s. smiley - winkeye). nah, i'm just kidding, it happens by accident. but i'm glad you and amy are such good friends. makes me happy. smiley - biggrin (i have a tendency towards vicariousity--is that a word?--so seeing other people happy makes me incredibly happy as well).

that's all for now. tas, and talk later.

Hi Skie!

Post 3

Amy Pawloski, aka 'paper lady'--'Mufflewhump'?!? click here to find out... (ACE)

Nope, we didn't meet while I was discovering that I don't like humdity (even though Lady Scott insists that it was comparatively dry that weekendsmiley - yikes)

Not very talkative today smiley - sorry

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