A Conversation for Old Wives' Tales

Photocopy Machines

Post 1

Researcher 50128 (and Proud of it)

It has been said, but unproven to date, that staring into the light of a photocopy machine will make you sterile.

Photocopy Machines

Post 2

47318 - I am a number not a free man

Not true - secretaries in our company are always going off on maternity leave.

Maybe it works the other way round - actually makes you less sterile (more virile)...?


Photocopy Machines

Post 3


Nah, it is probably because if you are so stupid as to stare into a photocopier's light, you also find the birds and bees beyond your range of grasp...so that is why they get pregnant so often

Photocopy Machines

Post 4


I think it's more likely that when you're leaning over the machine staring longingly into its mystical glow, you are presenting a favourable aspect to your lecherous male colleagues, who are apt to take advantage of your transfixed state...

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