This is the Message Centre for Mrs Zen

Hello hello!

Post 1


Okay, I had to do it. I just yikes'd a posting from a particular person in reply to some recent comments of yours at the Aroma Cafe. It's my first time. smiley - blush Registering a complaint, that is. I've largely ignored the inanity, but this is frankly getting too bizarre.

Anywho, I wanted to tell you that you shouldn't let this person get you down or influence you to leave h2g2 in any way what so ever. We need more intelligent, sane and lucid researchers (okay, maybe not so sane--otherwise this place would be a bore), not less.

smiley - hug

Hello hello!

Post 2

Mrs Zen

I am not going anywhere. I needed some time to think about the Atelier, but then events overtook and over-dramatized my decision to leave it.

I have commitments to the UnderGuide which I am not going to reneage on, no matter what our own personal Anti Nazi League gets up to.

Thanks for dropping round Fraulein. The main reason that I am at low ebb at the moment has nothing to do with h2g2, and everything to do with the amount of time it has been since that eponymous spot was last hit, and the likelihood of it being hit again by the person most wanted.

Hmm. That all sounded bizzarely violent. Which was not what I meant. I am too clever by half a lot of the time, but don't tell anyone, I like to think I get away with it! Which of course I don't. Such spirals of self-delusion, mainly induced by rum...

Sorry to be maudlin. As I have said elsewhere, I cannot yet watch schlocky movies without my eyes leaking.

All the best.


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