This is the Message Centre for Mrs Zen

Not Quote of the Day

Post 1

Mrs Zen

Occasionally I spot things I would love to be QoTD, but which I know won't be.... Here's today's:

Mr603 - F19585?thread=8290514#p110565794

Allowing gay marriage in churches would be tantamount to admitting that the CoE is basically just a 15th Century-themed wedding planning service

Not Quote of the Day

Post 2

Secretly Not Here Any More

smiley - biggrin

Not Quote of the Day

Post 3


"Occasionally I spot things I would love to be QoTD, but which I know won't be"
Me too. And usually they seem to be by Mr603 as well.

OTOH, I know somewhere else they could go, as nominations if within the rules:


which this quote is.
Have yourself a nomination Mr603

Not Quote of the Day

Post 4

Mrs Zen

smiley - biggrin

And from the same thread:

HonestIago - F19585?thread=8290514&post=110565956#p110565998

the Church is picking a fight with gays rather than tarts because it thinks it can win against the former whilst against the latter it is hopelessly outnumbered.

Not Quote of the Day

Post 5

Mrs Zen

smiley - simpost

I'll start slinging them in there then.

Not Quote of the Day

Post 6

aka Bel - A87832164

I especially like the fact that LESS kids are being Christened. smiley - run

Not Quote of the Day

Post 7


"I'll start slinging them in there then."
Feel free, been trying to come up with some good witty quotes to get the place going again but it's been a bit dry recently. Or they were in some of the less fluffy threads and I didn't want the first of the new batch to be from a flame war!

Not Quote of the Day

Post 8

lil ~ Auntie Giggles with added login ~ returned

Said at the Ibis on Saturday night:

'lil, your accent is getting scouser as the night goes on' - by Mr 603

'I know. I'll sound like Cilla before the night is over' - lil

smiley - musicalnote Surprise, surprise!... The unexpected hits you between the eyeeeiiiz - smiley - divasmiley - bubbly *hic*

Not Quote of the Day

Post 9

Secretly Not Here Any More

Nice censoring lil! It was definitely as the night went on, and not as the drink went in!

Not Quote of the Day

Post 10

lil ~ Auntie Giggles with added login ~ returned

I know. I can't 'elpit! smiley - blush

I recall mentioning the infamous... 'Worra ya likkke' too smiley - rolleyes

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