This is the Message Centre for cafram - in the states.

Happy GST Day!!

Post 1

cafram - in the states.

Finally the day of days has arrived - Australia now has a GST and is officialy up sh** creek without a paddle....oh Joy of Joys...! The alcohol's in the corner near the cd player, you'll find the fishies smiley - fish in the bowl in the hall...grab a drink and CELEBRATE!!

Happy GST Day!!

Post 2


OK,I give up...what's a GST????

Have a happy 1 anyway!...8^D


Happy GST Day!!

Post 3

cafram - in the states.

GST=Goods and Services Tax...which means that the Australian Government has decided that we all need to pay more for everything...

BUT WAIT!! CD's have gone down by 50c - BONUS! smiley - winkeye

Happy GST Day!!

Post 4


Sounds like good old Value Added Tax of a sort...just an excuse 2 rip
u off...we Brits are used to THAT I can tell u....(VAT=17.5%)
Also fuel tax at 76%....Yecchhh

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