This is the Message Centre for cafram - in the states.
Oh Gawd!!
a girl called Ben Posted Oct 25, 2001
Cafram, that's great - you can get some good inside gen from your friends dad, and maybe some help getting home if it all goes pearshaped. (I always like to have a back-up plan - I can't think of a serious time I have ever had to use one).
One other thought - money is just energy, it ebbs and flows like the tide or the wind, and there is an effectively infinite amount of it in the world. And I have been out of work and with no income from the end of April to mid-October, and I STILL know that money is just energy. Your plan to work for a month is a good one.
Good luck whatever you decide to do, and keep us posted.
Oh Gawd!!
Wand'rin star Posted Oct 25, 2001
What do you mean your clothes won't be there in five years? Most of mine last longer than that, especially the winter classics and having found a Shanghai tailor, my copies in Chinese silk last even longer
Further thought in favour - how awful can one month be?
Further thought against - how awful can one month be?Very - take all the recommended prophylactics I'd still want a lot more info than a web site I can't read
Oh Gawd!!
cafram - in the states. Posted Oct 25, 2001
Yeah, I'm looking at some info at the moment - it's SLP, which seems to be fairly well known in Korea...based in a uni, anyway, which gives it some credability...
Oh Gawd!!
a girl called Ben Posted Oct 25, 2001
Check out what jabs you need, if you do go you may need to have some of them now. And consider taking them in case - better a jab you don't need, than an illness you really don't need.
I found some clothes I wore as a student the other day, inncluding my best pulling-dress. Good to know my taste hasn't changed (metallic green lurex tartan...) but alas, my waist size has...
a flash old bird called Ben
Oh Gawd!!
cafram - in the states. Posted Oct 25, 2001
Yeah, I just checked the Lonely Planet site - hepatitis, typhoid, polio, tetanus, and dyptheria. Ugh. I hate needles!!
I'm not even going to comment on the metallic green tartan
Oh Gawd!!
a girl called Ben Posted Oct 25, 2001
The green tartan was one of the more subdued ones.... I had one with black and white zig-zags about 8 inches wide and another metalic lurex one with dark pink and purple blodges.
Don't forget my formative years were glam rock, punk and the new romantics....
an aging rock chick called Ben
Oh Gawd!!
cafram - in the states. Posted Oct 25, 2001
You poor poor thing
I sounds..well....lurid!!
I was going to say lovely...I don't know how lurid came out instead
Oh Gawd!!
a girl called Ben Posted Oct 25, 2001
Re-reading I have to say that the metallic green tartan wasn't the best pulling dress. That was a green silk petticoat of my grandmothers, and delightfully effective, I must say.
The metallic green tartan was a skirt that I look back on with great fondness and nostalgia...
Spitfire Posted Oct 25, 2001
Go to Korea.
You can benefit the lives of loads of other people by being at the camp - think of the good karma! If you work in the shop, the only person who significantly benefits is you. You have enough clothes to regulate your body temperature and keep you dry don't you? Buy some apres ski wear from the shop before you go though and see if you can work there on the Easter break instead.
cafram - in the states. Posted Oct 26, 2001
So much good advice!! Apart from the green petticote, that is...
I'll think on it for the weekend, and hopefully they'll have answered the long list of questions I sent them by the time I get back
If anyone has any more thoughts to add, I'd love to hear them - thank you all so much for your help!
taliesin Posted Oct 26, 2001
I refuse to comment on your wardrobe.. fortunately Koreans are very forgiving of foreign foibles
I hate giving advice, so I can only say what I would probably do if I were in your shoes, ( hoping the shoes are not 3 inch spike pumps )..
Anyway, I would do the Korean thing. I taught ESL in Japan, and it was one of the most fun times I ever had.
But beware of the Kimchee
Have fun, no matter what you decide to do..
Platypus 2 Posted Oct 27, 2001
HI! I'd go to Korea, but I'd check it out carefully, perhaps a call to the Korean embassy or mission might provide some further information - and have a fall back plan (escape route if required).
If the Korean emabassy will provide you with the bona fides of the organisation and the necessary visas, the only problem you may have is the people and them you can deal with.
Work aslong as possible for Colarado, win their hearts, prove your indespensability and then tell them thi s amazing opportunity has come, maybe they let you come back afterwards.
A decision
cafram - in the states. Posted Oct 29, 2001
I'm definately going - I was thinking about it all weekend and getting all's going to be SO good!!
Thanks to everyone for your input - it really helped
A decision
TF - The New Fast Automatic F-Reek - Now in DTS Posted Oct 29, 2001
Then may the force be with you always.
I once missed an opportunity to spend 2 months overseas (in Hawaii - for an international sporting event) and I had a new job come along and thought I was doing the responsible thing by tking it and knuckling down.
I never got the chance to do that again and compete at that level again, and have always regretted the decision.
Still... find out as much as you can, and go well, make a difference in some impressionable young Korean life (a positive one).
F-Reek OUT
A decision
taliesin Posted Oct 29, 2001
And recruit some more Researchers, of course!!!
Have a great time,
Oh, and if you can, take a bunch of inexpensive little 'flag' lapel pins, the kind you put on caps and jackets and things, representative of where you're from...
I took about 30 tiny Canadian flag pins to Japan, and wished I'd taken more... Japanese school kids adore them, and I bet Korean kids also do...
A decision
TF - The New Fast Automatic F-Reek - Now in DTS Posted Oct 30, 2001
Oh I didn't mean illicit substances (which in Korea could be disprin, dencorub and some more out there hair product) I really think that's your duty.
I meant about being nice, not hating others, you know... LOVE.
Because if everyone held hands, nobody could hold a gun...
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Oh Gawd!!
- 21: a girl called Ben (Oct 25, 2001)
- 22: Wand'rin star (Oct 25, 2001)
- 23: cafram - in the states. (Oct 25, 2001)
- 24: a girl called Ben (Oct 25, 2001)
- 25: cafram - in the states. (Oct 25, 2001)
- 26: a girl called Ben (Oct 25, 2001)
- 27: cafram - in the states. (Oct 25, 2001)
- 28: a girl called Ben (Oct 25, 2001)
- 29: a girl called Ben (Oct 25, 2001)
- 30: Spitfire (Oct 25, 2001)
- 31: cafram - in the states. (Oct 26, 2001)
- 32: taliesin (Oct 26, 2001)
- 33: Platypus 2 (Oct 27, 2001)
- 34: cafram - in the states. (Oct 29, 2001)
- 35: TF - The New Fast Automatic F-Reek - Now in DTS (Oct 29, 2001)
- 36: cafram - in the states. (Oct 29, 2001)
- 37: taliesin (Oct 29, 2001)
- 38: TF - The New Fast Automatic F-Reek - Now in DTS (Oct 30, 2001)
- 39: silverygibbon (Oct 30, 2001)
- 40: TF - The New Fast Automatic F-Reek - Now in DTS (Oct 30, 2001)
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