This is the Message Centre for tezzatastebuds

Hello there!

Post 1


Thanks folks on the food message board for directing me to h2g2. smiley - smiley

Not yet 100% sure what I'll be using it for, but bear with me and I might just be able to muster up some technical brain cells.

smiley - ok

Hello there!

Post 2

Annie ™

hiya Tezza
I use this to put up a temp posting of an gmail addy when someone want to get in touch as you can delete your posts here without a problemsmiley - ok
I can also delete full threads when I don't want them anymore for what ever reason. smiley - hug

Over here you can get a smiley - tea & smiley - cake or even smiley - choc if you need it.
This board is also open 365/24/7 but althugh the threads are public you have to lookfor what you want as they are only on individuals spaces.

Anniesmiley - smiley

Hello there!

Post 3


Hi Annie

Thanks for your post. And here's a slice of smiley - cake for you. Know it's a bit late! smiley - biggrin Enjoy!

Forgive my ignorance but what is a gmail addy?

Kari47 over on the food board has been looking for me on h2g2 but could not find me. I have no idea how to find anyone else on here. How untechnically minded am I????

Any tips, advice, info would be great, as long as it is simple enough for me to digest and understand! smiley - biggrin

I feel really old now after posting this........ smiley - wah

smiley - smiley

Hello there!

Post 4

Annie ™

Get Karen to go to your page and click on this thread then she can add you to her lists from there.

Another way of doing it is going to her own h2g2 and substituting her U number with yours then click return.

so if you are looking for mine for example you would change U6367929 for U3922631 in the address bar. So it would read changing the U number to ok. It really is simple once you've done it once or twice.

There is also a way of adding them as friends so you can go straight to them from your h2g2 pae without any hassle.

A gmail addy is a googlemail address just like a hotmail address. So it can be temporary and not a main email address so a person can just dump the address if getting any hassle.

I'll add Karen as a friend on my listg so you can find her quiclkly and add her to yours.

smiley - hug

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