A Conversation for Fingerless Gloves

Flea Market: A60214673 - Fingerless Gloves

Post 1


Entry: Fingerless Gloves - A60214673
Author: Vip - U188069

I've lost all steam with this. If anyone wants to have a go, feel free to scavenge what you want!

smiley - fairy

A60214673 - Fingerless Gloves

Post 2

The Apprentice

Oooo... I'll take this one, me thinks.

A60214673 - Fingerless Gloves

Post 3

The Apprentice

The revised entry will be here: A64499548

smiley - scientist

The Apprentice

A60214673 - Fingerless Gloves

Post 4


As you're taking this on, I'll remove it from the Flea Market.

Should have done this at the time, really!

smiley - fairy

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