Fingerless Gloves

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Fingerless gloves are a miraculous invention designed to keep your hand protected, whilst leaving your finger tips exposed to keep their dexterity. Some fingerless gloves have openings for each finger, and some just have one opening for all of them.

For Protection

Some tasks require gloves, but they don't want the extra heat. People like weightlifters, climbers or cyclists will often have fingerless gloves for protection, but not for warmth. Such gloves will often have extra protection in the palm, where the friction occurs. They can often be open at the back or have built-in vents to allow heat to escape.

For Warmth

Sometimes you may need warmth, but you can't lose the dexterity in your fingers. Musicians, especially those performing outside will often use fingerless gloves, as would typists in a cold office, anglers and anyone else who needs precision from their fingers and help against the cold.

Common Materials

The materials you needs will be down to what you require from the gloves. Protective fingerless gloves tend to be made of tough stuff, such as leather or nylon. Ones worn for warmth are usually made of wool, polyester or other knitted materials.

Alternate Uses

  • Do you find that the milk you use to suckle orphaned piglets gets cold too quickly? Cover a rubber glove with a fingerless, woolen glove. Fill the rubber glove with warm milk and put a pin prick in the tips. Let the piglets suckle away, while your fingerless glove keeps the milk that bit warmer.

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