A Conversation for Tinto Hill, South Lanarkshire Scotland

A1326151 - Tinto Hill, South Lanarkshire Scotland

Post 21

Maz Researcher 226229

More typos gone, also fixed a small footnote to FOOTNOTE

A1326151 - Tinto Hill, South Lanarkshire Scotland

Post 22

Zarquon's Singing Fish!

A couple more typos:

but stoney path > but stony path

been scrapped by Glaciers' do you mean > 'been scraped by Glaciers' ?'

smiley - fishsmiley - musicalnote

A1326151 - Tinto Hill, South Lanarkshire Scotland

Post 23

Maz Researcher 226229

while fixing the other bits I found "They been named Grahams" which is now " They have been named".

A1326151 - Tinto Hill, South Lanarkshire Scotland

Post 24

Maz Researcher 226229

another small tweek which added only abetter run of words in the footnote for grahams.

A1326151 - Tinto Hill, South Lanarkshire Scotland

Post 25


Nice little entry this - I've got a sneaky feeling that it's going to be accepted into the Edited Guide *very* soon...smiley - run

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Post 26

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Post 27

Number Six

Nice one Maz!

smiley - bubblysmiley - bubblysmiley - bubbly

smiley - applausesmiley - applausesmiley - applause

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Post 28

Maz Researcher 226229

Great news, thanks again for everyone who took time to help me on this smiley - smiley

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Post 29

Prideth - Queen dragon - protector of otters, and otternuts alike

smiley - bubbly Congrats Maz! smiley - bubbly

Well done on a super entry smiley - applause

It caught my eye as I used to work at the YMCA Wiston Lodge Estate at the other side of Tinto. It brought back many fond memories....smiley - biggrin....thank you!

Prideth smiley - dragon

Congratulations - Your Entry has been Picked for the Edited Guide!

Post 30


Well done Maz smiley - applause and smiley - bubbly

smiley - cheers

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