This is the Message Centre for spiderbaby

Happy New Year Legs!

Post 1


Hi Spidey, I have very much enjoyed your friendship in the 6 months I have been involved with Get Writing. Thank-you for your great input to the site it is a great inspiration. I hope to keep up with you well into the future via the Sofa. I have told FG about it and I do hope more from this great dolly mixture of a community will join. I do hope that 2005 is all you wish and desire look forward to talking to you in 2005 Love Serinsmiley - bubblysmiley - dog

Happy New Year Legs!

Post 2


and a Hppy new year to you too Serin. Hope the 'baby' is ok. Got a name yet?

The Red Sofa site is one of a few set up by Free Poetry members, sort of spokes radiating from the hub of FP. Spokes folks include Roy, Mighty Joe and Robb Hinge.

When I have time I will try and get a few poeple together in the chat room one night. Or it might be better to do it in Free Poetry as there are already more people there.

Off to clean house in anticipation of New Year's revellers tonight.


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