A Conversation for Talking Point: Four-letter Words

French Connection UK

Post 21

Al Johnston

Doesn't that chafe a bit? Or two? smiley - evilgrin

smiley - devilsmiley - pirate

French Connection UK

Post 22


I thought that FC could get around it as long as they didn't use the letters in a situation where f**k would be appropriate, such a after "Sexy as.."

French Connection UK

Post 23

m00seb0y2 [ ((189-9)/5)+6 = 42 ] ----- Just Say <moose>

I think the most effective use would be where *either* the word F**K or the phrase "French Connection UK" would fit...as in:
"I've just spent 3 hours queueing at FCUK in Bluewater"

smiley - devil

French Connection UK

Post 24


Unfortunately, it looks like it's here for a bit longer - according to article in the Grauniad, 16th Sept:

There are a couple of other recent articles in said publication, but you need to 'subscribe' to read them (free, I think) as they are in the 'Media' seection - one, 16th August, confidently predicts dumping of the FCUK brand (perhaps the article cited above is FCUK's 'right to reply'), the other, 13th September, is seems to be roundup/background to the campaign. Obviously others covering the difficulties they have been having with the advertising watchdog (ASA) - there must be an H2G2 entry in this...

I'm sure I heard that they were also being taken to court for infringing someone elses trademark - but I cannot find an supporting news stories for this.

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