A Conversation for Challenge h2g2

The Matrix

Post 1

There is only one thing worse than being Gosho, and that is not being Gosho


Anyone feel like updating this? It's pretty woeful but quite typical of early h2g2 entries. Now that the other two films have been released they could also be included.

The Matrix

Post 2

Mrs Zen

Hoo'd have been the obvious candidate. Maybe he could be lured back with this one...

Or maybe he is happier throwing boomerangs in the long summer evenings. Strange thought that being outside in the sunshine could be more enjoyable than hootoo, I know. smiley - run


The Matrix

Post 3

There is only one thing worse than being Gosho, and that is not being Gosho

"Maybe he could be lured back with this one..."

Oh jeez I hope not - I couldn't live with myself (or the opprobrium from some of my h2g2 friends) if I had a hand in persuading him to return smiley - sadface

The Matrix

Post 4

Mrs Zen

Really? Oh well. I guess he won't be back for a good while at least. Let's hope Alex keeps him otherwise engaged!

Still, the entry does need doing. Volunteers, anyone?


The Matrix

Post 5

Smij - Formerly Jimster

This does need serious work - we've all moved on so much from then.

If someone were willing to update it, I'd even see it got a graphic...

The Matrix

Post 6


I might give a go at updating it at the end of this month/start of next month. By then I'll own the 10 DVD Matrix boxset so I'll be able to watch them at leisure and also the AniMatrix (currently only have The Matrix on video). So if no one else has tried to update it by then I'll give it a shot!


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