A Conversation for Challenge h2g2

Nelson and Wellington

Post 1

Secretly Not Here Any More

I've noticed that there's no edited entries on two great British military heroes, Lord Nelson and Lord Wellington.

Anyone want to help me rectify that?

Nelson and Wellington

Post 2

There is only one thing worse than being Gosho, and that is not being Gosho

Certainly not my region of expertise, but a glaring ommission for sure.

Nelson and Wellington

Post 3


I won't promise to be a big help, but I can hardly sit back and just watch/wait either as where I live (the city and province) are both named after Horatio and the capital (and its surrounding province) is called Wellington

This October, there are 'region-wide-celebrations' planned to mark the 200th anniversary of the 'Battle of Trafalgar' - for a while there was talk of inviting one of the Saxe-Coburgs to attend, but I think that might have been 'politely declined' - before it was formally issued


perhaps not the most visually appealing pages on the net, but informative nevertheless

Nelson and Wellington

Post 4


I might be able to do Wellington, I've a bit about the Napoleonic era in me head, but not promising anything...
Froodsmiley - wizard

Nelson and Wellington

Post 5

Secretly Not Here Any More

Cheers, I'll link to the entries when I start them, that way any input can go in a convo and I'll see what I can cobble together.

Nelson and Wellington

Post 6

Smij - Formerly Jimster

Would it help if we made this a Topic of the Week? That way, we might get other people to contribute smiley - smiley

Nelson and Wellington

Post 7

Secretly Not Here Any More

Have to do it seperately for each one. Isnt the anniversary of Trafalgar coming up? That'd be as good a reason as any to do Nelson.

Nelson and Wellington

Post 8

Smij - Formerly Jimster

All I can remember about Wellington was he seemed to live forever. He popped up throughout my A-level Victorian History.

Or as they called it back then, current affairs.


Nelson and Wellington

Post 9

Secretly Not Here Any More

I know a fair bit about his military career in India, Denmark, the Penninsular War, France and finally Waterloo. Dont know too much about his political career though...

Nelson and Wellington

Post 10

Jimi X

Wellington was also terribly obsessed with Napolean - sharing mistresses, cooks, houses, etc.

I believe he even had a huge nude statue of the French hero in the foyer of his estate. Weird eh?

Nelson and Wellington

Post 11


D**n, someone got here before me... I've started work on an entry on HMS Victory and was considering making it one of a set of three - Nelson, Victory and Trafalgar, the idea being to get them ready for the front page for October 21st (Trafalgar Day)...

Anyone want to take the history of Nelson on? (Considering I've already started on The Victory and am quite willing to put together an entry describing the battle itself)

smiley - cheers

Nelson and Wellington

Post 12

Secretly Not Here Any More

I could give it a go, but my time's just become even scarcer with me getting a new job. I'll try and do it, but if it's not in PR within a month, then assume I'm not up to the task.

Nelson and Wellington

Post 13


Well, we've got until October before they really should be on the front page smiley - winkeye

Nelson and Wellington

Post 14

Secretly Not Here Any More

Ah, easy peasy.

Nelson and Wellington

Post 15

Smij - Formerly Jimster

And if you just made a start on it, someone else could take up the challenge. Write as much as you either know or have time for, and then see which gaps people can fill in for you. That's what this forum's for smiley - smiley

Nelson and Wellington

Post 16

Secretly Not Here Any More

I've created the entry... Just not written much yet. I will though...

Nelson and Wellington

Post 17


The Victory entry's well on the way...
Unfortunately it's spawned a second entry I'll have to write to explain some of the terms I'm using in the first.

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