A Conversation for Challenge h2g2

**EDITORS' T-SHIRT CHALLENGE: Ronnie O'Sullivan - Snooker Player**

Post 1

The H2G2 Editors

Does anyone accept the Editors' T-shirt Challenge to write an Entry on snooker player Ronnie O'Sullivan?

**EDITORS' T-SHIRT CHALLENGE: Ronnie O'Sullivan - Snooker Player**

Post 2

Mu Beta

I'll do that!


**EDITORS' T-SHIRT CHALLENGE: Ronnie O'Sullivan - Snooker Player**

Post 3

Icy North

smiley - applause I like your stuff, B - looking forward to this smiley - ok

**EDITORS' T-SHIRT CHALLENGE: Ronnie O'Sullivan - Snooker Player**

Post 4

Icy North

I suppose you might get a quarter of the way through it, then give up and walk away?

**EDITORS' T-SHIRT CHALLENGE: Ronnie O'Sullivan - Snooker Player**

Post 5

The H2G2 Editors

smiley - applause Can't wait for this one! And the great thing about snooker as a sport is that it's completely devoid of euphemistic potential, making it the ideal subject for MB... smiley - tongueincheeksmiley - run

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