A Conversation for Challenge h2g2

Travelling by public transport

Post 1


it's a huge and complicated subject and i think one which needs all of us to club together and contrubute everything we know - there needs to be a proper, comprehendsive, simple entry, so that if someone is wondering how to get from liverpool to stanstead at 3am, or wondering if they can buy a saver return on the train from a conductor, they can find out.

What do you think?

Travelling by public transport

Post 2


Problem is that it would require hundreds of little updates, after publication. smiley - erm

smiley - blacksheep

Travelling by public transport

Post 3


well if anyone's gonna do it, i reckon we're the people to do it...

and general things, such as types of rail ticket, for example, don't change. and it could just link to timetable sites, such as thetrainline.com or gobycoach.com or arriva.co.uk.

but other things ned updating too sometimes, in fact most things do, it doesn't mean that we shouldn't still try and write entries about them.

Travelling by public transport

Post 4


Well i agree, an entry could just cover things in general. For instance - forward planning, taking extra time the first time you have to go somewhere etc.

Also a brief overview of the rail industy in the UK, including the strange parts might be useful.

Travelling by public transport

Post 5


A638110, A180037, A588206, A592995, A721144, A630, A506594, A747065

smiley - tongueout

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