A Conversation for Challenge h2g2

UK Counties & Regions - England - Derbyshire

Post 21


RFJS - Bless you - I'll know for any future postings. Thanks.
smiley - magicsmiley - witchsmiley - zoom

UK Counties & Regions - England - Derbyshire

Post 22


Loads of really good stuff here for whoever eventually volunteers to write this one up! smiley - smiley


UK Counties & Regions - England - Derbyshire

Post 23


I'm delighted to announce that we already have two County entries in Peer Review, waiting to receive any bouquets or brickbats that people might lob in their general direction! If you're currently either working on or contributing to a County entry of your own right now, you might like to have a quick look to see how some other researchers have tackled this challenge. They are: County Fermanagh (A6092606) and Norfolk (A6108473).

Hope you enjoy reading them! smiley - smiley


UK Counties & Regions - England - Derbyshire

Post 24

The H2G2 Editors

There's already so much in this conversation that it shouldn't be too hard to get a good entry for this county.

We've got some T-shirts we're offering as 'prizes' for anyone who can get the last few county entries through PR and onto the Front Page.

UK Counties & Regions - England - Derbyshire

Post 25


Having just been reminded about this by the last posting popping up in my PS, I will amend the links I erroneously put in before:


http://www.peakleisure.co.uk (info on well dressings)

http://www.derbycity.com/derby/famous.html (info on famous Derbyshire people, like perhaps Sir Isaac Newton etc.

www.derbyshire-peakdistrict.co.uk/bolsover.htm (info on castles)

www.cressbrook.co.uk/walks/cave.html (about potholing and caving)

www.cressbrook.co.uk/eyam/ (obvious?)

Just a couple of extras which may or may not be relevant:


And without advertising the farmer concerned there is a wonderful new enterprise going on not far from me. A farmer near Chesterfield has diversified from beef cattle to Water Buffalo He says "Its Lower in fat and cholesterol, higher in protein and calcium, it's healthy meat at its Peak". The buffalos are reared in the Peak District and sold through local farmers' markets and their own farm shop.

Let me know what else I can do to help anyone.

UK Counties & Regions - England - Derbyshire

Post 26


Idiot - try again.

Having just been reminded about this by the last posting popping up in my PS, I will amend the links I erroneously put in before:


http://www.peakleisure.co.uk (info on well dressings)

http://www.derbycity.com/derby/famous.html (info on famous Derbyshire people, like perhaps Sir Isaac Newton etc).

http://www.derbyshire-peakdistrict.co.uk/bolsover.htm (info on castles)

http://www.cressbrook.co.uk/walks/cave.html (about potholing and caving)

http://www.cressbrook.co.uk/eyam/ (obvious?)

Just a couple of extras which may or may not be relevant:


And without advertising the farmer concerned there is a wonderful new enterprise going on not far from me. A farmer near Chesterfield has diversified from beef cattle to Water Buffalo He says "Its Lower in fat and cholesterol, higher in protein and calcium, it's healthy meat at its Peak". The buffalos are reared in the Peak District and sold through local farmers' markets and their own farm shop.

Let me know what else I can do to help anyone.

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