A Conversation for Talking Point: Modern Life Is Rubbish

Too safe

Post 1


I wonder, as the modern word is becoming infested with rules and regs, as oppose to common sense, whether people start looking for risk in other areas where there is a bit more freedom.
an example of this could be the trade-mark mid-life-crisis motorbike, driving like a lunatic, or by taking up a risky sporting activity.

Too safe

Post 2


Although rules and regulations are there to ensure our safety, it is fast become apparent that the excessive nature of some of the Health & Safety issues nowadays could just possibly push some people over the top. This could result in, as you formerly stated, wreckless behaviour and acting totally out of character.

The most ludicrous example of H&S gone mad I have recently encountered, was when somebody I was working with needed to loan a wheelbarrow from the Works department where we were working. Whilst obtaining the barrow he was gone for over 20 minutes. On returning he explained to me the reason was he had undergone an induction session which lasted 15 minutes. When we have to be told how to use something as basic as a wheelbarrow, it is a pretty poor outlook for our level of common sense in the world today.

Thank God he didn't want to borrow a pair of scissors! smiley - erm

Too safe

Post 3


haha, well it seems that H&S doesn't think that most of us can be trusted to have common sense. though i have seen some cases where people have done things of which no one with an ounce of common sense would do, so we have to comfort ourselves with the fact that some rules are there for the few who really do have absolutely no common sense whatsoever.

personally, when things begin to feel too safe, i jump on my motorbike and thrash it round a field, or drive like a lunatic.

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