This is the Message Centre for GarudaJones

Hi Jonesy!

Post 1


Welcome aboard, hope you experience some happy times here smiley - smiley

Hi Jonesy!

Post 2


Indeed I hope so
And I 'dig' the T Rex reference BTW smiley - winkeye

Hi Jonesy!

Post 3


Boy, you must be as old as your cat! The original vinyl, yeah?

How old is he/she btw? We sadly had to have our Mittens put to sleep this week, but she was 24! The vet said he'd never seen a cat that age before.

Hi Jonesy!

Post 4


oh bless
My Towser is 21.
She's not quite as sprightly as she used to be
smiley - sadface

Hi Jonesy!

Post 5


smiley - schooloffish

Here, give her these from me. And a special tickle under the chin.

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