This is the Message Centre for GarudaJones

Here I've gone and forgot my Subject Line!

Post 1


I'm not certain whether you've been informed, but one of the first things that is customary is to create your very own 42!

This is a harmless, but popular, semi-requirement. My researcher number is 227087, so...
227087 = ( 2 ( SQRT( 2 + 7 ) + ( 0 ^ 8 ))) * 7 = 42

Yours could be as simple as:
1 + 41 + 3 + 0 - 3 + 2 - 2 = 42
or you could complex it up a bit.

Have fun!

The one, the original, except no immitations,
smiley - towel

My previously un-subjected note follows:

G'day, GJ!

Glad to see you've got a smattering of really nice welcomes.smiley - ok

It's a good job that everyone doesn't stop by to say hi, though, or you'd never get on to doing anything but responding!smiley - doh

You'll not be having any trouble from me, and you've already received several very qualified offers of assistance.smiley - biggrin

I think you'll find your time here enjoyable, and even fun; but I have my doubts about your finding much time for conversations if you mean to get anything else accomplished.smiley - erm

I was curious about your collection. By 'records', do you mean recordings in all media formats, or specifically vinyl disks?

Oh, and Welcome!
smiley - towel

Here I've gone and forgot my Subject Line!

Post 2


Crikey a 42 conundrum!
I really should have paid more attention at schoolsmiley - winkeye
I think I'll go with your suggestion (if only for expediancy's sake!)
many many thanks
Hope I can return the favour some day
GJsmiley - smiley

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Here I've gone and forgot my Subject Line!

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