This is the Message Centre for Phryne- 'Best Suppurating Actress'

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Post 1

The Theory

hyphephiliac? what's that? I can't find it in my dictionary...

It's an old dictionary, so I give it slack...



Post 2

Dorothy Outta Kansas

Hello Sir The Theory!

Please forgive me butting in so rudely, but I am able to help. I too have discovered that the word is not in any dictionary I hold, but can offer a solution. Using Google as your base, enter the word "Hyphephiliac" and press 'go'.

You will discover that this word is used in a context which could be upsetting to fragile minds. You have been warned!

x x Fenny (Universal Tolerance for Hyphephiliacs)


Post 3

The Theory

ah... ok...

*tips cap*


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