This is the Message Centre for Phryne- 'Best Suppurating Actress'

Jaguarette calling Dragonnette!

Post 1

Dorothy Outta Kansas

Hi Mandrake

Hope you enjoyed your weekend. *Some people* would like me to ask how far you've got with the corset, but I've told him that it's rude to chase! So get in touch, but don't get to thinking there's any pressure on you!

x x Fenny (missing roleplaying, there's been none for two weeks)

Jaguarette calling Dragonnette!

Post 2

Dorothy Outta Kansas

And finally...

You've probably read the book (pop quiz: which book?) but I thought I'd give you a definition of Mandragora, anyway!

"Mandragora, or Mandrake: It is used as a restorative for people who have been cursed or transfigured. The cry of the Mandragora is fatal to those who hear it."

x x Fenny

Jaguarette calling Dragonnette!

Post 3

Dorothy Outta Kansas

OK - Quick, because it's 3am!

I was going to talk to you, but you disappeared off before it was possible!

I like this method of rotating the messages, so you can see them refresh when I've written a new one!

Where's my email?


Jaguarette calling Dragonnette!

Post 4

Fenny Reh Craeser <Zero Intolerance: A593796>

Ummmm....... Hi!

We missed this morning's experiment, didn't we? I'll come off site soon, then you can tell me whether I'm on the "who's online" function. Or not. I know, it does'nt matter in the slightest!


There must be more interesting topics - I left a few threads hanging anyway, look forward to seeing your responses 8¬p ...

x x Fenny

Jaguarette calling Dragonnette!

Post 5

Dorothy Outta Kansas

I'm resurrecting old conversations, so you see them reappear! Just to let you know I'm writing to you.

I'm sick! Cough, Cough. I will let you know by email, but in teh meantime this will have to do, to catch your attention! Is the computer behaving?

My "who's online" button didn't work, so I only realised you were online when I updated your page, to see when you last posted! The wonders of modern technology!

x x F (UT)

Jaguarette calling Dragonnette!

Post 6

Dorothy Outta Kansas

I've stayed uip to 3am to find out that you're not being an Owl tonight! Oh, Woe! Toowit-to-woe!

Goodnight, from the Punner! I've emailed you!

x x Fenny (UT)

Jaguarette calling Dragonnette!

Post 7

Phryne- 'Best Suppurating Actress'

The joke about the Owl in the rain is worse than that. Confession: in attempting to reply to your email, I pressed delete instead of reply- my finger slipped- before I had read beyond the initial trouble. So I'll never know what was in it! Wah.
I was being an Owl last night, but the computer was in therapy (besides it's League of Gentlemen week on Play! joy.)

Jaguarette calling Dragonnette!

Post 8

Dorothy Outta Kansas

I've just resent it. Please watch where you put your fingers this time!

I'm feeling better, also, and can enjoy the rest of my sick leave (Doc signed me off till Monday). Me? Skive? Naaahhh.

x x Fenny (UT)

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