This is the Message Centre for shazzPRME
Hey Shazz
shazzPRME Posted Sep 19, 1999
Wishful thinking huh MM ....and go get a new ball then you say,if your bowl is knackered it's not going to
knock many pins down LOL
Hey Shazz
Shorty Posted Sep 20, 1999
My ball knocks plenty of pins down, just not all at the same time hehehehe. Don't you just hate it when you get nowt but 8's and 9's all the time...
Hey Shazz
shazzPRME Posted Sep 20, 1999
I hate it even more when I bowl a nice strike ball and end up with a split ;-(Have you ever managed to convert a 7-10?!
Hey Shazz
Shorty Posted Sep 20, 1999
Not a chance in hell, unless i throw 2 balls down, but for some reason they class that as cheating...can't see why myself hehehehe
Hey Shazz
shazzPRME Posted Sep 20, 1999
LOL......It's much harder then with only one.....all that weight dangling on the end of your arm!!!
Hey Shazz
Ormondroyd Posted Oct 3, 1999
Hi Shazz,
I think your site is lovely too. Apologies for the intrusion, but I am a h2g2 newbie of just a few days' vintage and I need your help.
It's like this, you see: I'm dying to post a nomination to the Virtual Lord Mayor Of London section on Fenchurch's site. However, whenever I try to do so, the "discuss this entry" bar turns black and white but still won't let me in. I feel utterly disenfranchised!
Please let me chip in to that debate: I promise not to get party political. I probably will be rude about Jeffrey Archer, but there are so many revolting things about him besides his politics that it's hard to know where to start.
And I do want to make a cool nomination. Hint: it's someone who might be able to re-populate the Thames with fish...
Hey Shazz
shazzPRME Posted Oct 3, 1999
Hi there O!! Nice to have you onboard! I don't know why you can't post on the Mayor nomination site! Try going to one of the other nominees forums.....and start a new thread......failing that ,you are welcome to just apply in here and I'll link you up Do you have icq btw?....and we will need a pic for the *Rogues Gallery* site
)Am on my way to yuor page take a nose
Hey Shazz
Ormondroyd Posted Oct 5, 1999
Hello again Shazz,
Hope you enjoyed your "nose" at my page! Thanks for your messages. As intimated elsewhere, I don't now need to do that nomination for Virtual Mayor that I was planning - but there's something I must ask.
What exactly IS an "icq btw"?
I know I'm ignorant. But at least I want to learn.
Hey Shazz
shazzPRME Posted Oct 5, 1999
ICQ is a neat little message programme which a lot of us use to chat with while we are in h2g2.You may download it from
or,if you check my h2g2 page,you will find my icq pager which you can use to send me a message direct!
Hope this is of help.I was not online last night,so will now search my forums to find out why you are not standing for Mayor
Hey Shazz
Vladimir Posted Oct 5, 1999
I get this abbreviation thing now, BTW. If you fancy popping through Kettering, we've got some Californians hard at work on a new bunker in Wicksteed Park. You're welcome to wear your bowling shoes and grab a shovel before the seething red mists of Deptford descend on Northamptonshire around teatime.
Vote Merkin! The scourge of Northampton,
He's gone bowling with Peter Frampton,
He's digging in Wicksteed,
At double fast quick speed,
To make sure that Kettering's tramped on.
Hey Shazz
shazzPRME Posted Oct 5, 1999
Hi Vlad!
I have a smettering
of Kettering
But prefer the Town
to get down!
Are you transient
Or resident?
Hey Shazz
Vladimir Posted Oct 6, 1999
I live in Leicester. I go through Kettering whenever I travel to London on the train and mt parents used to victimise me with Wicksteed park as a small child.
Kettering today, Market Harborough tomorrow!
Oh, I guess that sort of makes me transient.
Hey Shazz
Ormondroyd Posted Oct 6, 1999
Many thanks for the advice about icq. I registered this morning - so should you ever want a word with me in private, you can now e-mail me via [email protected]
There are two main reasons why I'm not standing for Mayor. Firstly, I'm still very new around here. It's still less than a week since I discovered h2g2. I'm still finding my way around the place and meeting the people. I'm enjoying every minute of the experience, but I really think that it would be a bit presumptious for me to stand in the Virtual Election when I'm such a h2g2 novice. It would, I think, be a case of running for office before I can walk.
Secondly, I am convinced that the ideal candidate for the virtual job is already up and running. I wouldn't dream of trying to compete with the multi-talented Fenchurch, the multi-talented fish-creator and prime mover of ARSE. I feel so strongly about this that I have just posted a mail to the great woman pledging my support and volunteering to help her campaign in any way I can. As far is I'm concerned, it simply MUST be Mayoress Mercury.
Anyway, so long and thanks again for your help,
Hey Shazz
Ormondroyd Posted Aug 19, 2004
If memory serves, it was Fenchurch. But thank you for reminding me that I'm approaching my fifth h2g2 birthday. How time flies!
Key: Complain about this post
Hey Shazz
- 41: MadMunk?¿ (Sep 18, 1999)
- 42: shazzPRME (Sep 19, 1999)
- 43: Shorty (Sep 20, 1999)
- 44: shazzPRME (Sep 20, 1999)
- 45: Shorty (Sep 20, 1999)
- 46: shazzPRME (Sep 20, 1999)
- 47: Ormondroyd (Oct 3, 1999)
- 48: shazzPRME (Oct 3, 1999)
- 49: Ormondroyd (Oct 5, 1999)
- 50: shazzPRME (Oct 5, 1999)
- 51: Vladimir (Oct 5, 1999)
- 52: shazzPRME (Oct 5, 1999)
- 53: Vladimir (Oct 6, 1999)
- 54: Ormondroyd (Oct 6, 1999)
- 55: shazzPRME (Oct 6, 1999)
- 56: Terran (Aug 19, 2004)
- 57: Ormondroyd (Aug 19, 2004)
- 58: Terran (Aug 19, 2004)
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