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Well meaning friends

Post 1


I have one rhetorical question, why is it, that the world is full of couples just when you no longer have a 'partner' and why is it that friends (especially the girls) always hassle you about being single?

Am I just imagining it all or am I just turning into a bitter and twisted old spinster who is destined to own a cottage in Wiltshire with her friend (you know who you are Jules! :0)?!?!?

What annoys me the most is that the g/friends who are stressing me the most have recently become a couples and are turning on me in droves!

*heavy sigh*

End of rant (oooh that felt good). Tiz.


Well meaning friends

Post 2


It could be worse.

You could be a bloke being hassled by women friends about your singlehood.

Well meaning friends

Post 3

Researcher 43259

I hope that wasn't aimed at anyone in particular... (she said with a touch of pique).

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