This is the Message Centre for Researcher 48122


Post 1


i think it was all a cover-up and he is out there somewhere on a little island living it up with reckless abandon smiley - winkeye


Post 2

Researcher 48122

I don't think kurt is alive.I don't think he would give up seeing his daughter to lie on some island away from everyone!he loved her too much!


Post 3


yes, you do make a good point there. sorry, sometimes i just have a warped sense of humor. smiley - sadface


Post 4

Kurt Cobain

Hey, I'm still here.
Just had to get away from all the media hound-dogs...


Post 5


well hello there stranger smiley - smiley
tell us all about your adventures smiley - smiley
monsy smiley - fish


Post 6

Pizza The Hutt

What we all really want to know Kurt is: If you really are Kurt Cobain, then who was the guy with his head blown off in your garage, you murdering scumbag.


Post 7

Kurt Cobain

Look, temperory removal of head and material by and within is not fatal in this wide and wonderful universe. I just decided to literally 'expand my mind' a little.


Post 8


well, now there is one way to expand the mind smiley - winkeye
must say though, i would think that it would make for a rather large breeze between the ears smiley - winkeye.......
monsy smiley - fish


Post 9

Pizza The Hutt

I count this as further proof that you are the Crow, "Kurt". If you can survive a Shotgun shell to the head.


Post 10


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