A Conversation for Evolution
Mark Rest Started conversation Aug 16, 1999
Can I take you up on the point about stopping evolving when the weak are artificially kept alive. For one thing boys and girls keep on mating with however they find most attractive. But more importantly humans are now evolving their thoughts by meme(as opposed to gene) transference. See my user page on evolution for a starting point. I'll give you an entry on my home page because I think you've helped progress humanity with what you've said to date.
cuvavu Posted Sep 12, 1999
Don't forget that evolution as darwin proposed is just a theory, it has not been proved
Mark Rest Posted Sep 25, 1999
You say that the theory of evolution has not been proved. It is widely accepted by scientists and people around the world. It explains fossils, the diversity of life and how everything seems so suited to its environment. You may be referring to a pre Darwin text like the Holy Bible. Humanity has always had a thirst for knowledge and the Bible in my very represents state of the art(0BC) explanations for where we come from. It also represents very fine teachings on how we should live together. I cannot think of a book that has done it better.
cuvavu Posted Jun 18, 2000
It may be widely excepted but so were a number of other theories in there time, for instance the flat earth theory, the world is at the center of the universe theory, the embryonic recapitulation, the list goes on and on.
There are also many things that evolution does not explain like the diversity of life and fossils
. By this I mean, how can living things be so varied if there is one same start point, and lack of transitional fossils, out of sequence fossils, 'living fossils' (creatures that the fossil record says are dead millions of years ago, but are actually still alive), polystrate fossils (fossils (eg trees) that cross the strata and therefore would have ho be standing there for millions of years wihout getting nocked over).
The list goes on and on and on.
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