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Post 1

njan (afh)

Having looked at the decoration of h2g2 which has been emblazoned upon us, my mind was niggling somewhat... In theory, the Hitchiker's Guide is meant to be something impartial that will ofered many-sided and multi-faceted advide and guidance, but how can it claim to do so if all of its' pages celebrate one particular religion. We don't see Hannukah candles, or pentacles on all the pages at this time of year (Hannukah being a Jewish festival, and pentacles being pertenant to the Pagan Winter Solstice from which the Christian festival of Christmas wa derived).
So how, then, can it be impartial if it has Christmas trees on the sides of all the pages? And has anyone up there in the publishing house of Ursa Major actually asked any of we Guide-izens if we want Christmas trees on our pages?

As anyone looking at my page will presumable know, or guess, I am not Christian.. I am in fact an atheist, but one with a great interest in wicca, which explains the fact that I have a pentacle on my front page. (An image drawn for my article on the 5 elements..). I personally, although a celebrator of Christmas, don't really want a Chrstmas tree on my page, unless it is accompanied by other symbols from other religious denomenations. And so Here I protest...


Post 2


I know what you mean, but then Christmas trees aren't exactly Christian smiley - winkeye


Post 3

njan (afh)

no, this is true, they are more a sort of western culture thing, but all the same, they are associated with christianity more than anything else. I suppose to be correct I should be associating candles in windows, etc, with christianity, but that wasn't my point... I protested on the grounds of the decorations being narrow... religioned... than on the grounds of religious pedantry... *g*

- Njan.

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