This is the Message Centre for junk yard dog(UNOFFICIAL)keeper of magic blue writing,And the god of junk yards.(5x7)(6+4-2-1)=42


Post 1

junk yard dog(UNOFFICIAL)keeper of magic blue writing,And the god of junk yards.(5x7)(6+4-2-1)=42

well pals, i went to se a palm reader the other day, septic peg was her name smiley - smiley. i sat down on an orange box, a staple stuck in ma ar--, well said septic, wat can i do for u, i thought she would ave known, I WONDER IF PHYSCIC PPL ALL DO A CROSSWORD AT THE SAME TIME IN THE PHYSCIC NEWS. ANYWAY peg said cross ma hand with silver, which i did, an old tanner, she said u are going to bump into a person with a beard, i said cheers peg, she only as one tooth, and she is spanish, her name then was one eater, anyway i digress, i went out side, and i was attacked by a goat, jysmiley - dog

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