This is the Message Centre for Bassman - Funny how people never ceases to amaze me!


Post 1

Bassman - Funny how people never ceases to amaze me!

I just added the potted history of my playing but was unable to add any smileys for some reason. So I made up for it elsewhere on the page!


Post 2


Hi Bassman

Got your red carpet welcome - thanks. Maybe you could clue me in as to how to add graphics (gif, jpeg etc.) to the page?


Post 3

Bassman - Funny how people never ceases to amaze me!

Stainless Steel Rat.

Go to your home page and click the "Edit page" button on the left. You will have done this before to type the welcome message on your page.

If you know any HTML I apologise for teaching your grandmother to suck eggs....

The HTML command for positioning graphics goes like this:

(<! Position Smiley Faces&gtsmiley - winkeye

(<IMG SRC = - winkeye
(<IMG SRC = - winkeye
(<IMG SRC = - winkeye
(<IMG SRC = - winkeye
(<IMG SRC = - winkeye
(<IMG SRC = - winkeye
(<IMG SRC = - winkeye
(<IMG SRC = - winkeye
(<IMG SRC = - winkeye
(<IMG SRC = - winkeye
(<IMG SRC = - winkeye
(<IMG SRC = - winkeye
(<IMG SRC = - winkeye

The first line "<! Position Smiley Faces>" you will notice has an exclamation mark in at the start, after the left arrow. This is to indicate that it is a comment, and is not displayed. If you've never done any programming, it's a good idear to break up the code with comments in order to see what each piece is doing.

The next line "" positions the gif by using it's web address. Note in each case I have enclosed the instructions with brackets ( and ), in order to enable you to see the code and prevent the gifs being displayed. Cut and paste these instructions into your home page, then delete all the brackets ( and ). This should give you a line of smileys across the page similar to mine. If you only want 1 smiley only paste in 1 lie starting with the IMG SRC command. Any problems drop me a line from my home page via the mail Bassman button.

I bought myself a teach yourself HTML book, which I found very useful. The thing I like about HTML is that you don't spend ages waiting for it to compile, you do the change, refresh your browser page and there the change is in an instant!!


Post 4

Bassman - Funny how people never ceases to amaze me!

Stainless Steel Rat.

Go to your home page and click the "Edit page" button on the left. You will have done this before to type the welcome message on your page.

If you know any HTML I apologise for teaching your grandmother to suck eggs....

The HTML command for positioning graphics goes like this:

(<! Position Smiley Faces&gtsmiley - winkeye

(<IMG SRC = - winkeye
(<IMG SRC = - winkeye
(<IMG SRC = - winkeye
(<IMG SRC = - winkeye
(<IMG SRC = - winkeye
(<IMG SRC = - winkeye
(<IMG SRC = - winkeye
(<IMG SRC = - winkeye
(<IMG SRC = - winkeye
(<IMG SRC = - winkeye
(<IMG SRC = - winkeye
(<IMG SRC = - winkeye
(<IMG SRC = - winkeye

The first line "<! Position Smiley Faces>" you will notice has an exclamation mark in at the start, after the left arrow. This is to indicate that it is a comment, and is not displayed. If you've never done any programming, it's a good idear to break up the code with comments in order to see what each piece is doing.

The next line "" positions the gif by using it's web address. Note in each case I have enclosed the instructions with brackets ( and ), in order to enable you to see the code and prevent the gifs being displayed. Cut and paste these instructions into your home page, then delete all the brackets ( and ). This should give you a line of smileys across the page similar to mine. If you only want 1 smiley only paste in 1 line starting with the IMG SRC command. Any problems drop me a line from my home page via the mail Bassman button.

I bought myself a teach yourself HTML book, which I found very useful. The thing I like about HTML is that you don't spend ages waiting for it to compile, you do the change, refresh your browser page and there the change is in an instant!!


Post 5

Bassman - Funny how people never ceases to amaze me!

Ooops - sorry everyone.


Post 6

Bassman - Funny how people never ceases to amaze me!

Due to the overwhelming ammont of conversations that I subscribe to as an A.C.E. and active member of the Musician's Guild, I have to Unsubscribe to older unanswered messages. This doesn't mean I don't want to talk to you.

If you wish to contact me, go to my Space at U47285 and press the "Discuss This Entry" Button. Leave a message and I'll get back to you.

Thanks and 42.

Bassman smiley - cool

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