This is the Message Centre for kbrtiata

So Lonely taamyu

Post 1


It's been awful long time since I left England.... Believe you me
22 years!!!! OMG I really waste long time only to concentrate on 'recovering' from my mental problem... And still I can't get back myself.
Japan attracts many European ppl, but it's really conservative and they have had bad complex to the 'English' (American English) after defeating WW2. It's absolutely nonsense.
Japanese parents push their children to learn American English much more than learn how to survive / to be independent in Japan.
As most of my folks here know that I've got Japanese problems... since I lost my voice. Though I can speak now, but I really have difficulties to live in Japan because all of Japanese except for medical staff or very limited Japanese can't understand my situations. They force to write Japanese how many times I insist that I can't write Japanese in pen if I try to do, then I will have fits. After they see me having fit, they try to calm me down.. too late. You know if they see me, black hair, eyes, looks like absolutely 100% Japanese, they don't care my Japanese problem so that they speak to me Japanese and if I speak other languages (when I refuse to speak Japanese). they push me strongly to speak Japanese.

This won't happen in other counties. I mean if I talk about my problem, most of my overseas friends understand what I mean whereas Japanese friends (I FOUND THAT I HAVE NO JAPANESE FRIENDS ANYMORE... I can say that they are bit familiar acknowledge like neighbours.)

I feel that I'm a stranger in Japan. And I find that I can't go back to England.. smiley - wah
I know it'll be becoming impossible to complete my last PLAN..

All I can do is to post something here even though there're not many folks responding here, as well.

But all in all, this is like my very slight 'line' to keep the relationship between me and England.

So sorry for this gloomy journal. but I really am not keen on CURRENT JAPAN.
Too much to live smiley - grr

I am soooooooooooo happy if you will remember me and will keep in touch with me smiley - biggrin

Well, I'm very much looking forward to hearing from you soon smiley - musicalnote

Take care and have a lovely day smiley - smiley

smiley - diva

So Lonely taamyu

Post 2

Reality Manipulator

Hello Taamyu, I am very sorry to hear about your situation and I hope that it will improve soon.smiley - hugsmiley - cuddlesmiley - chocsmiley - cake

So Lonely taamyu

Post 3

Prof Animal Chaos.C.E.O..err! C.E.Idiot of H2G2 Fools Guild (Official).... A recipient of S.F.L and

from one who has always been different and never felt like he "fitted in"

be yourself!smiley - oklove, it's who YOU are - I don't become what others want me to become. I am myself! and no one on this planet will ever change me - I bow to no onesmiley - smiley

dispel all negative thoughts from your mindsmiley - hugand only think positive onessmiley - smooch

So Lonely taamyu

Post 4

Prof Animal Chaos.C.E.O..err! C.E.Idiot of H2G2 Fools Guild (Official).... A recipient of S.F.L and


Taamyu, read all this threadsmiley - hugsee the strength that is within it, from my son, my daughter later in the posts and her accident and mesmiley - smileythen on to all our friends and the power vibes they send - everything about this thread is a morale booster to each and everyone of us

Remember! I don't do negative thoughts, so I know you are far stronger than you thinksmiley - smoochtake no backward stepssmiley - okforward onwards and upwards only!

believe in yourself and you'll come out a winnersmiley - smileysmiley - cuddle
ride the storm and good weather will followsmiley - hugsmiley - hug

So Lonely taamyu

Post 5


Hiya Kat
It's really hard to live in Japan.
Don't misunderstand about Japanese.
They are not good and gentle race.
Most of all are not interested in any other ppl except for their family members.
that's why the Fukushima nuclear power planet problems haven't solved.
All they do is to demonstrate against the nuclear power plant, but they never think how to 'remove' how to 'solve' those problem. Compare with Chernobyl case. smiley - grr

So Lonely taamyu

Post 6


Hiya Animal smiley - hug

It seems that I've got negative thoughts, but I am sure that this is very logical thoughts when I think of my future deeply. So, I'm so sad.
And, since someone insulted me by nonsense behaviours/words, I lost 'smile' (in the end of July). I can't smile anymore smiley - wah
I can make a smile, but I can't smile in heart. This is what my dead grandma wished that she believed me saying ' you can get through with it and show your charming smile in future' it takes 22 years to get my smile, and a person took off my smile in minutes with insulting me.

As I wrote to Kat, Japanese ppl are not so kind that you think. They don't behave like adults. lol. though I'm a Japanese... oh no. I love my home town, but I don't like any ppl living around me. I can't believe anyone here. You don't have to what Japanese ppl say.. oops, I'm Japanese... oops oops oops... please forget I'm a Japanese... lol

When I'm writing something in English or non-Japanese, I feel really safe and I think as if I can get back myself. like... IT'S ME, TAEKO.

So Lonely taamyu

Post 7

Jimcracker7[ gone altogether. im my home from home.

hi taeko

yes im still about lol, but only for a local cybershop when i can

the way the weather is at the moment you wouldnt like to be here, its wet and most of england is flooded take care smiley - sheep jimxx

So Lonely taamyu

Post 8

The Liquid Warrior (Vescere bracis meis)

I have never fitted in any where, except maybe here. What other people think of you can only worry you if you care about their opinions. If you don't care about them, then what they say cannot hurt you. The only thing that matters is what you think of yourself. You are a human being, you have a right to be here, to live your life as you see fit. So s*d the lot of them. Live, love and be happy, as the saying goes.

So Lonely taamyu

Post 9

Prof Animal Chaos.C.E.O..err! C.E.Idiot of H2G2 Fools Guild (Official).... A recipient of S.F.L and

Below! is as good as a typical Yorkshireman's attitude ! We speak as we see it !

I can't help about the shape I'm in
I can't sing, I ain't pretty and my legs are thin
But don't ask me what I think of you
I might not give the answer that you want me to

(part of lyrics from Fleetwood Macs - Oh Well)


be you Taamyusmiley - hug

So Lonely taamyu

Post 10

The Liquid Warrior (Vescere bracis meis)

Asd Beauty goes, I'm not a great star,
There are others more handsome by far.
But my face I do not mind it
I am behind it
It's others in front I jar.

smiley - smoochsmiley - cuddle

So Lonely taamyu

Post 11

Reality Manipulator

Hi Taamyu smiley - hugsmiley - cuddle

I too have found a similar attitude where I live when I attended an employability course and those who run the Employment Programme, they say that you must network (to help me find hidden jobs)with your friends that you made at school, work as well as your family. But with me I can't do that as I lost all contact with my friends at school when my best friend moved away whilst I was at boarding school for a year and lost contact with another friend when I moved with my family to Scotland. I have only one family member that could be help me find work but she is also looking for permanent work too. The rest of my family live as far as Staffordshire and in Ceredigion in Wales.

So Lonely taamyu

Post 12


Hiya Jim smiley - hug
It's still 'warm'... sometimes 'hot' here smiley - groan
We've not had comfortable Autumn smiley - grr

Also, I don't feel good with meeting anyone here at the mo smiley - groansmiley - groan

Do hope cool lovely Autumn will come soon otherwise, I really will die.. smiley - grovel

Take care you too smiley - biggrin

smiley - diva

So Lonely taamyu

Post 13


Wow Animal

Is that true smiley - yikes ??

Oh well, I won't change myself. I don't want to follow what the other tell me as they want me to be. Because no-one understand who I am.

Well try to be ME smiley - biggrin

smiley - diva

So Lonely taamyu

Post 14


Wahey Liquid smiley - cuddle
So glad to 'see' you here again smiley - blush
I am such a happy one cos all of you here catch me up anytime smiley - biggrin
So, I can survive smiley - musicalnote
I'm hibernating now since Friday night Zzzzz
I will try to stay still in my flat so it's very safe to live here. smiley - laugh
Will come here sooner or later smiley - ok

smiley - diva

So Lonely taamyu

Post 15


Hiya Kat smiley - cuddle
It's sometimes very good for ME to be alone, but feel so lonely when I need someone to talk with smiley - teasmiley - cake Thanks hootoo.. cos this is one of my most comfortable places to see my mates/friends in UK smiley - laugh
It's getting more and more difficult to live here.. I get old and am becoming smiley - witch
Also, I'm fed up with tennis smiley - rofl as I need a partner to play with smiley - grovel
(I mean I don't like tennis but I need a partner whenever I want to play tennis.. and I haven't anyone to play with smiley - grr ) very stressful.
Try to clear all things what I'm thinking and get back myself.
Need more time to do though smiley - groan
Take Care and Have a lovely Sunday evening smiley - love

smiley - diva

So Lonely taamyu

Post 16

Prof Animal Chaos.C.E.O..err! C.E.Idiot of H2G2 Fools Guild (Official).... A recipient of S.F.L and

all true lovesmiley - hug

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