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At Last!

Post 1


The famous British Pop singer, my favourite singer, Kate Bush is releasing new album smiley - somersault
They said that it it'll be on store on the 27th October smiley - magic
She's making new album after (over) 6-7 years silence. So I'm very very excited with this news smiley - somersault
I can't wait for it smiley - biggrin

At Last!

Post 2


"wow" "Unbelievable"
I love Kate too. So glad to hear she's releasing an album close to my birthday. I know what will be on my birthday listsmiley - biggrin

At Last!

Post 3


Happy you that she's releasing her new album close to your birthday smiley - cracker

Really AT LAST she'll appear on the music scene again after 12 years silence smiley - wow
They said said that it'll be on store/released on the 17th of October in UK smiley - envy
Now, our curiosity is the TITLE OF THE ALBUM smiley - winkeye, isn't it?

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