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Wishing a peaceful life in the UK

Post 1


Every folk in the UK smiley - cheerup
I was very surprised at the news that London was attacked again today smiley - sadface
Please let me know if you are not injured.
I do hope all of you can stay smiley - cool though you may feel very upset at the moment.
I wish everything will get back to normal soon smiley - peacedove
Take Care of your sprit!
Taamyu smiley - musicalnote

Wishing a peaceful life in the UK

Post 2


hi hun well weve been through it before and guess what in a few weeks im off to london to visit friends

Wishing a peaceful life in the UK

Post 3


Hi Andy smiley - bat
Glad to hear from you again smiley - biggrin

I think(hope) thigs in London get better now.

smiley - musicalnote

Wishing a peaceful life in the UK

Post 4


hi hun im sure they will

Wishing a peaceful life in the UK

Post 5


Yup, indeed smiley - smiley

BTW, how are you, Andy smiley - hug

Taamyu smiley - musicalnote

Wishing a peaceful life in the UK

Post 6


We're used to terrorism in the UK anyway - it's just going back to how things were with the IRA. It's bad, but we can cope smiley - smiley We're not gonna let anyone, especailly terrorists, bring us down! Rule Britannia!

smiley - panda

Wishing a peaceful life in the UK

Post 7


smiley - cool
I think it's been years since IRA attacked London last.

The thing which make me very smiley - grr is that present terrorist attack all over the world smiley - steam
I'm not sure if they are the same group (same race) with Al-Qu***da, but I heard Bagdad was bombed yesteday smiley - sadface Last week, there was one which was bigger scale in Egypt smiley - blue

There is no peace place in the world anymore NOW.

smiley - musicalnote

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