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The Older I get, The Lazier I am

Post 41


Hi Jim
how are you?
Me, okay.
It's bit cooler than last year here... especially at night smiley - biggrin
smiley - diva

The Older I get, The Lazier I am

Post 42

Jimcracker7[ gone altogether. im my home from home.

hi taeko
im nearly 62 now, and im getting more tired as the days go on.
i need new glasses but cant afford them, my back as got a lot worse, and ive had a bad case of hayfever for months now.
i still go out, but not as much, im to tired when i get home.
take care, smiley - dragon jim xx
ps i know you are in japan, but there is a journal on my ps, with lots of pictures of china, i get sent from a lady nikita, thats travelling in parts of china.

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