This is the Message Centre for kbrtiata

To all my friends from Taamyu

Post 81


Hiya smiley - hug
Thank you for all your post smiley - biggrin
I'm super happy with your hearty message.
I'm become better and better now smiley - laugh
I think I can come here more often than horrible winter smiley - ok
Please keep in touch!
Taamyu smiley - musicalnote

To all my friends from Taamyu

Post 82


Spring into spring with a smile! Nice to see you moving again. BEST WISHES. Bob smiley - spider

To all my friends from Taamyu

Post 83

The Liquid Warrior (Vescere bracis meis)

Hello Taamyu, nice to hear from you. Glad to hear you are well. Lots of good wishessmiley - smooch

To all my friends from Taamyu

Post 84


Out of hibernation at last Taamyu.Lovely to hear it ! Take care Love Pinky x

To all my friends from Taamyu

Post 85


smiley - chicksmiley - chick

Hiya Bob, LW and Pinky smiley - hug

It's getting warmer and warmer here in Japan smiley - rainbow and it gets me very sleepy again

I'll be back soon smiley - cuddle

Love to all my friends smiley - kiss

Taamyu smiley - musicalnote

To all my friends from Taamyu

Post 86

The Liquid Warrior (Vescere bracis meis)

Quite chilly here. Foggy this morning and was raining later.
Nice to have you back.
Good wishes
smiley - hug

To all my friends from Taamyu

Post 87


Have a Lovely Weekend, LWsmiley - smooch

smiley - musicalnote

To all my friends from Taamyu

Post 88

The Liquid Warrior (Vescere bracis meis)

Working nights, will be sleeping most of Saturday. How are you?

To all my friends from Taamyu

Post 89


Hiiyasmiley - hug
I'm Okay though bit uneasy mentally as usualsmiley - grovel
See you soon, hun
smiley - musicalnote

To all my friends from Taamyu

Post 90

The Liquid Warrior (Vescere bracis meis)

Bye honsmiley - hug

To all my friends from Taamyu

Post 91


To all my friends from Taamyu

Post 92


whos got the drinks tonight then ,

To all my friends from Taamyu

Post 93


You have Tig.Your getting forgetful these days ! hahahahaha xxxx Hi Taamyu xxxx

To all my friends from Taamyu

Post 94


Hiya to all

I'm alive, fortunately smiley - laugh

I think I feel better that last 2 months, but I still need tim to come here frequent.

But remember, I always check my space smiley - ok

I'll be back soon.

it's horrible hot and sticky smiley - yuk
The disguising sticky rainy season will come soon smiley - blue

But Never Mind.
I may enjoy being here when it rains cats and dogs lol.

Thank you very muche for your warm regards and for not forgetting me smiley - rose

Taamyu smiley - musicalnote

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