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To all my friends from Taamyu

Post 21


Hello Taeko xxx Yes the weather is much cooler here toq.The flowers are still blooming(in my shop anyway)Just lovely to hear from you.I'm pleased your feeling much better now.You Take Care Speak soon, Love Pinky xxxx

To all my friends from Taamyu

Post 22


Pinky smiley - kiss
I wish if I were there with you so that I can see your beautiful flowerssmiley - cry
We'll have one of the most beautiful season soon here smiley - smiley
Take Care smiley - hugxxx
Taamyusmiley - musicalnote

To all my friends from Taamyu

Post 23


hello all hope ur well

To all my friends from Taamyu

Post 24


Aahh Bless You Taeko xxx It would be really nice to have you here with us All here in England xxx I'm sure the cooler autumn weather will be much better for you xxxxxx You take care Love Pinkyxxxx Hi Tig xxxxx

To all my friends from Taamyu

Post 25


Hello Tig smiley - hug
smiley - ta for your kind thoughts smiley - tea

Pinky smiley - kiss
smiley - ta for your kind thoughts all the time smiley - smiley
It's getting cooler here smiley - blue But much better than horrible summer heat smiley - laugh
Take Care you, too smiley - rose

smiley - tea


Taamyu smiley - musicalnote

To all my friends from Taamyu

Post 26


all and how you doing today its still the early hours here in scotland but it must be about midday over your end

To all my friends from Taamyu

Post 27


Tig smiley - hug I'm preparing for French exam smiley - geek which I'll take the 17th smiley - yikes
(I'm no more young student, remember! lol)
It's 12.23 here in Japan so, it's 04.23 BST.
It's sunny and pleasant today smiley - rainbow so I feel very fine smiley - laugh
Are you still wide awake smiley - yikes

Taamyu smiley - musicalnote

To all my friends from Taamyu

Post 28


oh yes i cant sleep pet iam up and down like a yoyo

To all my friends from Taamyu

Post 29


Oh, boy!
I hope you can fall asleep smiley - cheerup
Once I could not sleep well for years, but now I can't stop sleeping smiley - rofl
It seems that I try to get back the lost time when I could not sleep smiley - yikes
If I find a place to sleep, I'll sleep smiley - laugh
smiley - yawn

smiley - musicalnote

To all my friends from Taamyu

Post 30


well iam wide a wake now no chance of sleep

To all my friends from Taamyu

Post 31


smiley - goodluck
I hope you can sleep tonight smiley - star

To all my friends from Taamyu

Post 32


Hi Taeko xxx one day soon I hope we get to chat LIVE xxx Hope your well and Good Luck with the French exam xxx See yousoon Love Pinky xxx Tig your sleeping now ,I can here you snoring from here hahahaha xxxxx

To all my friends from Taamyu

Post 33


Hi Pinkysmiley - hug
smiley - ta for cheering me up. But I can't remember French words as well as English wordssmiley - roflsmiley - wah Anyway, I'll do my best smiley - smiley
Oh, yes, I really want to meet you and have a lovely conversation with afternoon tea in future. Hopefully it won't be so long that I can recover completely and earn money smiley - brave
It's raining smiley - dogs and smiley - cats today here smiley - yuk Also, it's become suddely chilly here smiley - blue Hope it'll be a fine day tomorrowsmiley - rainbow
Is it getting colder there? Take Care, Pinkysmiley - rose See you soon smiley - tea
Taamyu smiley - musicalnote

To all my friends from Taamyu

Post 34


Taeko I'm here now !!! Yes the weather is MUCH cooler here now,having said that,it's been cool since August actually hahaha You know, the middle of summer here for us hahahahaha Have I missed you again ? Oh well ,soon then I hope Taeko xxx Much Love Pinky xxxx

To all my friends from Taamyu

Post 35


I miss the English summer weather which is much drier than Japan smiley - rofl
I've never spent England in winter, so I don't know how much cold there in winter nor the different coldness between England and Japan.
Oh, yes, I miss you smiley - cry I wish if I were there so that I could see all my friends there smiley - wah
Well, take care, Pinky. Lots of Love,
Taamyu smiley - musicalnote

To all my friends from Taamyu

Post 36


You too Taeko xxx Just lovely to have had a chat at last xxx See you soon Take Care Love Pinky xxxx

To all my friends from Taamyu

Post 37


smiley - ta!
Have a Lovely Day smiley - rainbow
See you soon, Pinkyxxx
Taamyu smiley - musicalnote

To all my friends from Taamyu

Post 38


miss the english summer oh sure i do lol

To all my friends from Taamyu

Post 39


Was English Summer comfortable for you, Tig?
Are you able to sleep better in Summer than now???
Japanese summer was really horrible smiley - grovel
Now I'm very happy that the cooler autumn is approaching smiley - biggrin

smiley - musicalnote

To all my friends from Taamyu

Post 40


we are having a dry spell of weather here just now in scotland its a wee bit cooler than england winter is just about here but we get the worst of the winter in jan and feb very cold then but for some strange reason we dont get as much snow as we used too some blame it on changes with the ozone but one thing 4 sure is the winters in scotland are milder now than 20 years ago but then the summers were warmer also weird very weird

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