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Maria Tolly

Post 1


Hello folks,
It gets colder here smiley - brr The winter has come, AT LAST after very unusual strange warm Autumn smiley - groan

Well, I'm searching for Maria Tolly, (I think) a English (folk) singer in 80s whose songs are (maybe) well known as raciest or feminist. I can't find her song titles nor any info on her even by internet smiley - cry the song that I know is 'class-struggle widow'
If you know about her or her songs, please tell me smiley - hug

Taamyu smiley - musicalnote

smiley - sorry for not replying nor being here for ages and not posting any messages recently. I've been just very very lazy smiley - blue

smiley - mistletoe

Maria Tolly

Post 2

Skankyrich [?]

Wow, you've seriously got me there. I'm a pretty respectable Googler, and I can't find anything either.

Maria Tolly

Post 3

Jimcracker7[ gone altogether. im my home from home.

hi there
i used the good old bbc betsie

i cant try them but on the text only betsie i can acsess for the web, maria tolly is mentioned in the text attached smiley - dragonjim

Maria Tolly

Post 4

Prof Animal Chaos.C.E.O..err! C.E.Idiot of H2G2 Fools Guild (Official).... A recipient of S.F.L and
you might be able to get further ??

Maria Tolly

Post 5


Hiya, smiley - mistletoe
smiley - ta for your replies smiley - kiss
As you can find, it's really hard to find 'Maria Tolly' even by google smiley - cry
But I'm sure that she is one of the British folk singer in 80s because one of my British 'friend' (in fact he is a University professor in Japan, and I worked with him when I worked as a temporary worker at the international centre of that uni, then He's been encouraging me a lot and after I went out hospital I went to attend his lecture (in English) as an observer. ) So, he knows so many such kind of British folk songs as well as late 60s or early 70s British songs. And he played her song, class-struggle widow (have fairly strong feminist kid of aspect) on his lecture yesterday. So, I'd love to see more her songs as her guitar playing is a bit similar to Katie (KT) Tunstall (not the lyric but the playing style) smiley - love

If you can get any other info, please tell me smiley - hug
But I understand there is few info we can get by google smiley - groan

smiley - snowman

Maria Tolly

Post 6


I also found those pages that Jim and Prof told me smiley - winkeye
But Thank you so much for finding them smiley - love

Maria Tolly

Post 7

Prof Animal Chaos.C.E.O..err! C.E.Idiot of H2G2 Fools Guild (Official).... A recipient of S.F.L and

can not find anything as yet, but will still have a look see about the websmiley - smiley

Maria Tolly

Post 8

Jimcracker7[ gone altogether. im my home from home.

hi all
just a surgestion, if you know what area she came from, you could ask someone in that area,from h2h2 if they could go to the local library and look her up that way. smiley - dragon jimbob

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