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Crash, Broke, ooooohhh noooo!
kbrtiata Started conversation Jul 31, 2006
Hyia to all, my folks
How are you all? Hope you are fine
I had been struggling with my "boooooo" computer for over one month, and finally I reset it (both C drive and D drive
Now it works better now
Last Thursday, at the final s class this month (we have had summer holidays till Septmeber ), while I was preparing for a vinil small pool for kids and try to built a small sun-shade I stamped my precious glasses
it completely broke and I was not able to see anything during the last class
(we had a "summer festival" on that day as the last class with all
I dashed into glasses shop soon after the class on the way to home, and got one
This is my excuse that I won't come here recently.
I'm getting a "computer-phoebia"
But I'll be here time to time, so please keep in touch, if you can
In Japan, at last the belated rainiy season has gone and the hot summer has come
If I won't be here, I may "hibernate" with ice pillow
Hope you'll enjoy summer in England even though it's terribly hot and you have unbelievable boiling heat this year
Crash, Broke, ooooohhh noooo!
Prof Animal Chaos.C.E.O..err! C.E.Idiot of H2G2 Fools Guild (Official).... A recipient of S.F.L and Posted Jul 31, 2006
I am pleased that your absense has been the computer and not your health, don't stay away for long >computer-phoebia<we all have itit's never effected me
stay safe and well
Crash, Broke, ooooohhh noooo!
Pinky Posted Aug 2, 2006
Taeko,PLEASE accept my apologies.I will e-mail you asap ! I STILL have family staying with me on hoilday (is there no end ?) I promise we will catch up very soon.So sorry to hear of your problems.Take care Love Pinky xxxxx Hi Prof xxxx Hi Chris xxxx I KNOW,I look slimmer,it's difficult to see me.Teenagers,I rest my case ! See you all soon xxx If I survive ! hahahahha xxx
Crash, Broke, ooooohhh noooo!
Reality Manipulator Posted Aug 2, 2006
Hi Taeko
I hope you are keeping well. I am glad to hear that your computer is back in working order.
Crash, Broke, ooooohhh noooo!
kbrtiata Posted Aug 4, 2006
Hiya all
for not forgetting me
I'm fine cos I've been at home alone all day long
I can say that I'm now the exspert of ADMINISTRATIONS
How many thousand times I did it whenever I rest my computer.
But you may know, I feel safer that I won't be "dementa" because I can type the activation's LONG numberS without any mistake I may say that I'll be an expert of ACTIVATION.
I should change my computer to Mac
Hi Cris
I wonder if you do forget me as you deleted all my thread
How are you?
I do hope you'll keep in touch with me
Hi Jackie, I'm so sorry for "playing/being with" your lovely nieces, but I hope they will go home asap, otherwise I can't chat to you.
In fact, as you may know I need your advice
I'm very much looking forward to hearing from you soon
Hi Kat, I'm so glad to hear from you again after long gap
I am so happy that it seemst that you are fine now. Please give all my regards to your mum and Mags
Sicne I found that I can't go over there this summer, I feel very sad and I don't know why when I can go over there to see all of you.
(to my regret, some of English person think that I'm so fliertous Japanese woman, which is not true)
Anyway, I do hope all of you here don't misunderstand me.
I havne't recovered completely, to my regret, but if I can save money, I'd love to go there as soon as possible. I thought that I could go there THIS SUMMER, but I can't
Still don't have any confidence on myself
and that makes me being fed up with teaching English English to small Japanese children. Because I'm very bad at grammar, and I haven't study enoguth both of literature and language.
If you have spare time, please mail me and if you see me online on messenger, please chat to me in live.
Well, I'll get drink now as I dpn't want to contact with my Japanese friends and want being alone. So if I'm online, I'll try to be online on messener.
So please let me know when you'll be online on messenger, pleasel.
One thing that I'll tell you is that I get a bit DRUNK with jin with apple juice and lemom and some of my medication, so if I tell you very very strange thing, that means I get junkie. lol
I do hope I'll go over there asap.
and also if you can do any help to me, I'd love you to listen to my English that I read. (I have still no confident on my English speaking/pronunciation )
But I'm fine.
So, please mail me or contact me if you still think you'd love to contact me.
The rainy season is over and the terrible boiling hot summer has come
I know it's unusual hot heat this year in Europe, but I do wish go over there to settle down, if possible.
If you have got very good idea, please let me know.
Before that, I have to study English more and more than before, otherwise I may not be able to understand loca; English as well as you can't understand my horrible pronunciation.
I wathced "Twelfth Night (1996)" today. That's very good film.
I think I should watch/listen not only dialect programme but also very classic beautiful English, so that I can find the lots of English words.
as the Rainy Season has been over the day before and the very boiling summer heat has come
I do miss the English summer which is much direr than here.
That's what I feel recently.
I do keep in touch with me all. and if you have got COOL plan/idea for me to go over there, Please let me know
Anyway, enjoy yourself,
Have lovely weekend,
Looking forward to hearing from you again
Loads of Love,
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Crash, Broke, ooooohhh noooo!
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