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k, g, and other English sounds..
kbrtiata Posted Jun 8, 2006
Hiya Andy
Yup, I'd love to chat to you soon, too
Unfortunately I have in very uneasy emotional condition and almost refuse speaking Japanese when it's not nesessary .... Yup, I've got a "Taeko Cold" again
But I'm very much looking forward to chatting you soon
Hello Bob,
Then thing is that, it's not a kind of "accent/dialect" problem.
Japanese is very different from yours. And we haven't got some SOUND WHICH YOU USE, like "th" "ch" "sh" "r" "l".... of course, we have similar sounds, but to us, if we say it lice, they think it's RICE.
See, there are not serious differences between l soudn and r sound in Japanese.
As far as phonics is concerened, I "thought" that sound "g" and "k" are differnet from ours. So that I asked you if your back teeth open or not.... evne thought they are not big problem to speak.
But you know, sit and sh*t is different, and sea and she is completely different in English, but most Japanese is difficult to say "she" It sounds more likely "see/sea"
hope you understnd what I mean.
k, g, and other English sounds..
owlatronas Posted Jun 8, 2006
hi taamyu im also looking forward to chatting to you as its been such a long time since we did chat
k, g, and other English sounds..
Pinky Posted Jun 9, 2006
It wouldn't be a bad idea if you chatted to me once in a blue moon too Andy hahahhahahaha Hi Taeko xxx Hope you got my last mail OK,not as long yours of course,hahahhahahha but nearly hahahahha Love Pinky xxx
k, g, and other English sounds..
owlatronas Posted Jun 12, 2006
hello again stranger you do keep popping up every now and again
k, g, and other English sounds..
Pinky Posted Jun 14, 2006
Ermmmmmmm now who do you mean Andy ? I don't pop up !! Make the odd (very odd infact hahaha) appearance now and again,but popping up ? It's not my style ! hahahahhahaha xxx Hi Taeko xxx An e-mail will be winging it's way to you from me later this week xxxx
k, g, and other English sounds..
Pinky Posted Jun 17, 2006
Oh right ! Hahahhahahahha I didn't think I was that energetic Andy,you flatterer you hahahahhaha xxx Hi Taeko,I HAVE mailed you,get up off the floor Lady !!! This minute ! hahahhaha Hope your well ? Love Pinky x
k, g, and other English sounds..
kbrtiata Posted Jun 19, 2006
So sorry for hibernating
Completely knackered with Nosy Parker for ages
And, some s rebelled me
... lol small children can't concentrate on one thing for a second
or they are sometimes very restless. They are no more
s but
Really shocked that when I told them "okay, if you want to play for the rest of class, do that", they BELIEVED my words and started playing ignoring me
Now I'm really scared of them
The Next class of them will be next Monday
Never mind, if I find that I can't be a teacher, I'll ask you, Andy, Jackie, and you, all folks there, of finding any job to settle down in England so that we can see each other with huge party
k, g, and other English sounds..
kbrtiata Posted Jul 1, 2006
for such a Wnderful Idear
But I wonder if I could be a Japanese teacher for you
Could be fun
I really go over there
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k, g, and other English sounds..
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