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Grrrr the latest VIRUS

Post 1


My computer was infected by the NEWEST/the LATEST VIRUS last Tuesday smiley - wah
I had been annoyed when I found the solution yesteday smiley - grr
This one is really new one and no anti-virus software companies haven't analised the detail of vurus with any solution (2 virus scan (one is online free virus scan of trend micro soft) said that it was unkown virus or the one that coudln't delet) smiley - rofl
SO, Most of you may easily guess, the only way to solve this problem/to delet this virus WAS TO RESET MY COMPUTER smiley - grr
aaaarrrrgggghhhhhhh though I had "store file hard drive" I could delet only programme files, it took awful long time to regain my computer.
And finally, I can come here smiley - biggrin
This time I open an zip file which I downloaded via internet, not via e-mailing.
Everybody, BE CAREFUL FOR UNKONW ZIP FILES smiley - doh
But it's good for my computer to reflsh itself smiley - laugh, I find that some/lots of things/files that I kept in my computer were not so important smiley - laugh
smiley - diva
smiley - musicalnote

Grrrr the latest VIRUS

Post 2

Prof Animal Chaos.C.E.O..err! C.E.Idiot of H2G2 Fools Guild (Official).... A recipient of S.F.L and

every attachment or file/zipped file is scanned 1st before opening, even if it is a known program update.
Never open anything straight from the web Taamyu, save it to a folder and then scan before opening

Grrrr the latest VIRUS

Post 3


Yep we have to be very careful when we download/install something by internet.
smiley - musicalnote

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