This is the Message Centre for AmethystLady

Manganese smoke?

Post 1

Traveller in Time Reporting Bugs -o-o- Broken the chain of Pliny -o-o- Hired

Traveller in Time smiley - tit on his head
"Hi there 'Amethist Lady' nice to meet you too. Do you have a remedy for time legs, after every trip I suffer from time legs for an hour or so. By the way did you ask Marie Louise to bring you some manganese ore? They are right now sailing over the best mines there are."

Nephew Who reading some personal spaces
"Perhaps you can make some friends here in the Guide, visit < U238954 >, I get the impression you know each other."

Manganese smoke?

Post 2


smiley - hug

Hi there Traveller in Time,

I feel very privileged you have time to leave a message. You need to massage some Arnica Gell on those legs. Cheapest place in the Galaxy is QVC. Also take Glaucosamine and Chrondroitin. Drink plenty of water after time travel episode. Don't forget to keep some Hematite in your pocket to keep you grounded.

Note to Nephew travelling through personal spaces - You must be have extrasensory perception - AvionicsTech is my lovely husband, Rie's stepdad. But due to too much time travelling he has not yet committed words to personal space. I will tell him Newphew of Time Traveller is on his case!! He left the first message for Rie on English Rose VI until AmethystLady worked how to do it for herself. Very clever people these Aircraft Technicians.

AvionicsTech says 'are there any good jobs in the Galaxy at the moment, he could do with an exciting challenge?

Will ask Rie about the Manganese.

Off to make cup of Galactic tea smiley - tea for hero AvionicsTech now.

Keep smiling, enjoy!

Amethyst Lady smiley - biggrin

Manganese smoke?

Post 3

Traveller in Time Reporting Bugs -o-o- Broken the chain of Pliny -o-o- Hired

Traveller in Time
"Sorry, I can not disclose too much about some of our trips. I am granted to tell you she will hear from the tiny star as he carries it to her."

Nephew Who spreading the arnica gel over his legs.
"Iee-ack this gel is green, how do I get my towel clean from that? By the way, I have got an advice from Mesologist, a local healer, she claims the best remedy for time legs to be sleep. Not to be administered as an extra, just about eight hours per twentyfour and not per fourtytwo hours. I keep mixing these numbers so correct me if I wrote them wrong. And thanks for the water smiley - empty ( comes closest ). Enough water cures over half of the health problems."

SnackSeller comming by
"Albatross for sale! Albatross to save! < A552908 >, English Rose V1 to party < A1166645 >"

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