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Post 1


Am actually unsure about the Champions League item that I wrote. Thinking about sending it to Peer review, but just not sure.

Can anyone tell me how to get involved with the H2G2 'Post' magazine thing that I've been reading? Be interested to know.


Post 2

Bob McBob

Don't Panic! If you send something to Peer Review and it's not ment to go there, you will be told (violently at times)... but fear not, you can take it out and move it (or they (sub-editors) can at any rate).

By the way, in the Writing-Workshop, entries don't seem to get the love and attention they diserve. Try to improve the artice any way you can, check the Writing-Guidelines, move it to PeerReview and hope.

smiley - thepost
<./>ThePost</.> is edited by The Post Team - U54963. Just leave them a message or click on one of the handy e-mail addresses.


Post 3

Bob McBob

By handy e-mail addresses, I mean the ones on U54963, namely
[email protected]

Please note that they like the subject header "Article Submission" if you want to submit an article.

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