This is the Message Centre for Purple Lemur

I'm going through changes.

Post 1

Purple Lemur

Thanks, Ozzy.

Alright...I know...I started this journal with gusto; adding at least one entry a week. Now I'm nothing more than a pathetic waste of memory in the Guide's data banks. I feel!

Today I break my leash. Today I leap from the rushing train of Corporate America and tumble head-over-heels down the rough embankment of personal enterprise. Tonight I wash down my happiness with a gallon of whiskey and a Coke.

Hopefully, within a week or so, I'll even have 'net access in my own these durned entries will start coming on a regular basis again and I'll be able to get some serious searching through the depths of the Guide, as well.

Stay cheery, y'all. =)D: 

I'm going through changes.

Post 2

Taoist at Large

Well friend,

Have you started your own business, sounds like you have. I did a year ago, as much frustration, slow times, and poverty -- I'm enjoying the hell out of myself. Hope you are to!

Your friend,
Taoist at Latge

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