A Conversation for Rice Cookers
Microwave Rice Cookers
Talith (who got bored of being Caroo and thought new h2g2, new name) Started conversation Oct 28, 2000
I've been the ecstatic owner of a microwave rice cooker for a couple of years. This is basically a plastic bowl with a vented lid. You add rice, and 1.5x its volume in water and pop into the microwave. If you use boiling water it's even quicker at around 8 minutes for a mug of basmati rice.
Other models come with a 'liner' as well which has holes in the bottom and can be used for steaming other vegetables such as mangetout.
Do you want to add something in about that?
Microwave Rice Cookers
Jack Point Posted Oct 28, 2000
Huh. I've never heard of such a thing, but it seems like a really good idea. Since it's fundamentally a different sort of device, I think it deserves its own entry. (Care to write it?) We could link the two entries since both devices do cook rice. But (for example) my beef stew recipe would be impossible with a microwave rice cooker.
Microwave Rice Cookers
Talith (who got bored of being Caroo and thought new h2g2, new name) Posted Oct 29, 2000
This is true. But then I tend to cook my stew in a slow cooker [pot with gentle heating element] for anything up to 12 hours. Lovely!
I think we might be looking at a whole kitchen gadget subsection here
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Microwave Rice Cookers
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