A Conversation for Rice Cookers
rice cookers I like
wsfn Started conversation Jul 7, 1999
I have a great rice cooker (that I didn't have to pay for). Mine hold up to 10 cups of finished rice. It has a timer, I set it before I leave in the morning, and when I get home the rice is cooked, hot, and ready to serve. It also will keep it warm for an extended period of time (up to 3 hours). IT DOES NOT DESICATE MY RICE. It also is imported from Japan and cost somewhere in the region of 95 american dollars (60-ish pounds sterling?).
My mother tells me that in the 60s the IN cooking device in dorms was the popcorn popper, also an aluminium pot on a heating element. She remembers a recipie very similar to yours from those days. If one is creative enough, one can cook anything with sufficiant heat and willpower.
Have a lovely,
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