This is the Message Centre for Katherine-WW2 Team

What is stronger than puzzled ?

Post 1


Dear Katherine

As a WW2 Site Helper I seem to spend a lot of time telling would-be posters to be patient if the photo they have added to a story has still not appeared.

I posted an article on the 2nd of December: and attached a photo at the same time.

It is now the 13th of December and still no sign of the image appearing.

Can you arrange for another site helper to tell me to be patient?

Still puzzled of Cockfosters.

What is stronger than puzzled ?

Post 2

Katherine-WW2 Team

Dear Puzzled of Cockfosters,

I'm really sorry not to have seen your messages - I've been everywhere else on the site except my Personal Page.

Lisa is going to look into this moderation question, and get back to you.

Happy Christmas Ron to you and your family. I hope all is well.

best wishes,

What is stronger than puzzled ?

Post 3

Katherine-WW2 Team

Dear Ron,

Just to let you know - this picture has now been approved. We have been absolutely inundated with photographs lately, and as they all need individual approval, moderation has taken a little longer than usual.

Apologies for delay, and best wishes,

What is stronger than puzzled ?

Post 4


Hi Kath

Thanks for your message but, for whatever reason, that is not the picture I posted smiley - smiley.

I've now deleted it and will have to go through the laborious process once more !

Hoping I get it right in time for the site going Archive

Best wishes


What is stronger than puzzled ?

Post 5

Katherine-WW2 Team

Dear Ron,

The mystery continues! Good luck in reposting the image. Let me know when you have uploaded it - the photo rush seems to have subsided and we've caught up with ourselves.

all the best,

What is stronger than puzzled ?

Post 6


Dear Katherine

Pleased to report that all is now in its proper place smiley - smiley

I have but one outstanding query.

How do I post an image to an edited story?
The article is:
and was whipped away from me before I had a chance to attach an image.



What is stronger than puzzled ?

Post 7

Katherine-WW2 Team

Dear Ron,

Happy New Year, and apologies for not getting back to you. I'm still on leave, but have logged in from the wilds of Cornwall.

As you have noticed, edited stories are 'locked' - but so that you can add a picture to your story I have reverted it to the standard status and unlocked it; I will restore it to Edited status once the image has been moderated.

We moderate incoming images through the week; there may have been problems with accessing the interface remotely over the Christmas period but hopefully all is back to normal now that the team are back in the office. Please let me know if you are still waiting for an image to be moderated and I'll look into it once I'm back at work on Monday.

Best wishes to you and I hope 2006 is going well so far. Off to Tintagel now!

Katherine, WW2 Team

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